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Two Meditation Approaches by Rudolf Steiner

In many of his teachings, the founder of the Anthroposophic school, Rudolf Steiner, emphasized the need for meditation in order to develop a rich inner life that would eventually lead to the blossom of organs of perceptions with which one can study higher worlds. This Gnostic approach to study of the higher worlds and higher knowledge, Mr. Steiner, called the spiritual science. For the purposes of his research, he mostly taught some simple but effective concentration practices. In today’s
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At the Doors of Silence: Entering Properly to Meditation

Ancient wisdom states: “The terrestrial thoughts must fall dead in front of the doors of the temple.” In that statement lies the key to great success that can come from the practice of meditation. It’s not uncommon that when the meditation practice becomes a routine, we enter it as if we are always ready for it and always know exactly what to do. Though it happens that this assurance can be used against us by the ego and the personality, if we are not careful. That’s why it is important to
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Communication with Spirit Guides

Being able to communicate with one’s own spirit guides can be very useful, particularly when we are aspiring to or are on the Path to awakening. It is explained that every person has their own spirit guide, and sometimes more than one. They may or may not be the same ones for the duration of one’s lifetime; it is apparently not uncommon that they would change at certain stages of life, possibly depending on life’s lessons that the person is going through.
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Meditation with Mantra GA-TE: Knowing the Mysteries Hidden in (Ancient) Art

In his book The Mysteries of the Mayas, Samael Aun Weor has written about an interesting approach for receiving esoteric information about symbols hidden in art, sculpture, or a sacred site. The book speaks a lot about symbols related with spiritual awakening, found all over the ancient sacred site of Copán, Honduras. This ancient site of the Maya is known as one of the richest with Mayan artistic sculptures, altars, and symbolic carvings in general.
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A Practice of the Light (by Arnold Krumm Heller)

In his book the Magic of Silence, Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (also known as master Huiracocha) has written about an interesting practice, which he called “the Practice of Light”. It is a type of practice that invokes and maintains the presence of light through continuous visualization and conscious intention. I decided to share it here with hope that it might be useful to some people. What this practice essentially does is that it stimulates to activity the higher parts of ourselves (depending
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A Meditation Approach for Conversing With Your Atman

In his book “The Introduction to Gnosis”, Samael Aun Weor has written about an interesting meditation approach for conversing or strengthening connection with your Atman (Divine Spirit). It consists of relaxation, mental relaxation, and concentration. This approach combines an aspect of meditation on an ego practice which he taught as one of the main means to dissolve the egos, however in this practice here he uses this aspect to silence the mind. Here is what he has written:
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Making Contact with Advanced Extraterrestrial Races (Part Two)

In the first part of this article I wrote a short overview of the involvement of the extraterrestrial races in our evolution from esoteric point of view and also from the point of view of the evidence that was put together over the past decades, that say how the ET beings are present and are observing us for quite some time. It was necessary to write about those things before writing about more practical side of this topic, such as how to have a direct experience with some advanced ET races.
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How To Experience and Feel Your Consciousness

To have a direct experience of one’s own consciousness seems to be a prerequisite for many spiritual endeavours and endeavours towards higher knowledge. Without knowing what the consciousness is, we are still tapping in the dark and have yet to arrive to one of the first major thresholds of the path. Without this experiential knowledge, we can go up to a certain point, but eventually we have to acquire this experience in order to build up faith in the inner work and in the Being.
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Using Koan Meditation for Silencing the Mind

One of the good ways to silence the mind (and subsequently activate your consciousness) is through a technique known as the koans. This old Zen Buddhist method for meditation involves pondering on enigmatic phrases, questions or sentences that are without an answer, or that the mind has a difficult finding an answer to. However, “pondering” in this case does not refer to thinking about it, but rather shining the light of consciousness on it in the state of inner stillness.
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Preparing for Meditation

Before starting a meditation, regardless if just starting out with this practice or if already practicing it for some time, it is important to prepare for it. When novice in meditation starts practicing it, they don’t take enough time to do what is necessary to prepare for it. It is often thought that meditation is like any other hobby or activity in which you jump straight into from whatever else you were doing before. But meditation differs from that, in that it requires a proper
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More About the Spiritual Ascension Course

The Spiritual Ascension course is the main activity offered here because it entails presenting the path to complete awakening in a direct and step-by-step way. The goal of this course is to help people to ascend spiritually in a very deep way. I have composed it based on many years of studying and practicing the Gnostic and Esoteric teachings. One of the main reasons why I composed it is to present the path to awakening in a way that is very straightforward and clear, so to help others to
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A Practice Connecting to Beings of Light

The practice that I will describe here is a simple one, though quite powerful and profound. It is using principles of prayer, but it enhances it because it also involves invocation, visualization, pure intention, and sharp focus, in order to connect to beings of light. Such beings have through history been known by many names, such as angels, divine beings, seraphims, archangels, devas, higher beings, etc. People from many different religions petition to them when they are praying, though
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Using Meditation as Aid for Clairvoyance and Astral Projection

Exercise of meditation is not a prerequisite for clairvoyance and astral projection, but can help achieving those abilities. When I was starting out with astral projection, I heard many talk about meditation as a help to astral travel and how it is necessary to practice meditation first for some time. I can understand why – when we work on silencing the mind, and if we go deeper with meditation and start to observe our thoughts and emotions (more on this technique in another post), we will
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The Purpose and Importance of Meditation

In today's day and age, in the pace of life that tries to keep up with the modern system of living, where almost everything revolves around making money and survival, many have started questioning if this is the true way to be, if this is our true nature, and are turning towards silence. This can then eventually lead them to meditation.
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