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higher being

Communication with Spirit Guides

Being able to communicate with one’s own spirit guides can be very useful, particularly when we are aspiring to or are on the Path to awakening. It is explained that every person has their own spirit guide, and sometimes more than one. They may or may not be the same ones for the duration of one’s lifetime; it is apparently not uncommon that they would change at certain stages of life, possibly depending on life’s lessons that the person is going through.
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Beings of Light

A while ago I’ve read one inspiring poem about the beings of light and have decided to write a bit about this topic. I have very little experience with them, but the ones I do have have had quite an impact on me. The first of such experience was when I was around 6 years old, an experience which have influenced me profoundly. It was always pushing me to search and question, and eventually it brought me to the discovery of the practice of astral projection.
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