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An Account about Agartha and the King of the World

The kingdom of Agartha (or Agarthi, as some call it), has been stirring the imagination of many explorers, wanderers, occultists, and all sort of folks. There are many books written on the subject, some of their authors narrating a direct experience they had there, such as Willis George Emerson in his The Smokey God. The kingdom of Agartha is said to be located underground, beneath the surface of the earth, and the reason why it’s said that this is possible is because, as it is claimed, the
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Preparing for and Benefiting from a Mystical Night

In the Gnostic work, life and its diverse aspects are used for the awakening of consciousness. It is well known to anyone interested in the Gnostic-esoteric work, that this work entails using daily life in order to study one’s own psychology, to die to the egos, to develop concentration etc. And just like the day can be used for the spiritual work, so too can the night be used for the same purpose. The most basic way for that would be by doing a dream yoga exercise in which intention is
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Achievable Goals and Experiences in Out of Body State (Part II)

In the first part of this article, I talked about some goals and activities when outside the physical body, in the astral plane. In this part, I will mention some other possibilities that can be achieved when out of the body. Here are some more reachable goals:
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Purifying the Chakras with Sounds, Intention and Visualization

There are many practices out there that entail working on the development of the chakras. The latter are described as energy vortexes on the astral body that fulfil multiple purposes within the multi-dimensional level of the human organism, a lot of it boiling down to being the centers of transformation of a higher type of energy into the one that the physical body can use for its daily needs. Besides that, the chakras are also non-physical senses through which we can sense beyond what the
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Are Dreams just Dreams? Some Reasons to take your Dreams more Seriously

In today's world, the phrase “It is just a dream” has become a common thing when someone wants to diminish the value of what happened during the hours of sleep. We have become ignorant of the value that the dream information carry, looking at it as something nonsensical and solely from the point of view of the brain processing the information from previous days. Even modern psychology is seeing dreams in a very limited way, mostly looking at it from the point of view of the subconscious
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Communication with Spirit Guides

Being able to communicate with one’s own spirit guides can be very useful, particularly when we are aspiring to or are on the Path to awakening. It is explained that every person has their own spirit guide, and sometimes more than one. They may or may not be the same ones for the duration of one’s lifetime; it is apparently not uncommon that they would change at certain stages of life, possibly depending on life’s lessons that the person is going through.
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Willpower: A Silent Force for the Awakening of Consciousness

It is interesting to investigate and reflect upon the subject of willpower, as it is such a crucial aspect when it comes to moving towards spiritual awakening. When we do something, we can say that we use our will to do it, and that is true. In this sense, our will is related with conscious intention, although we also do things that does not come from our consciousness, but rather from our instincts, impulses, drives, and other things of the subconscious mind. This means that the will is
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Mantras for Astral Projection

In the teachings of Samael Aun Weor, there are many mantras that are taught as a mean to achieve astral projection. The latter is an ability through which we can safely leave our physical body at will in order to consciously enter the astral plane (which is in the fifth dimension), in order to explore more of the reality than what we know of here in this physical world.  This was an important practice in many esoteric and occult schools of various religions and spiritual traditions, because
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Is Fearing and Avoiding Astral Realms Necessary?

Astral travel is a fantastic ability that many would like to develop, but for many this thought of consciously stepping out of their body brings up fear, not knowing if they will come back, or fearing the unknown etc. On top of that, some 19th century occult writers, such as Helena Blavatsky, have also contributed to spreading this fear of astral planes by saying that it’s better to avoid it all together because of its illusionary nature and temptation that is to be found there. However,
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Transformative Effects of Out of Body Experiences

It is not unknown that those who have had out of body experiences (OBE), regardless of how they occurred, have had an experience that changed them in some way. It is also not uncommon that these types of experiences can change the course of people's lives. One of a famous case of such occurrence was Robert Monroe, one of the pioneers in the research on out of body experiences. He was a regular citizen, not really standing out from the rest, until he started experiencing spontaneous OBEs in
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Astral Shield: For Protection from External Influences

Once someone starts working on themselves psychologically, and once they start experiencing deeper states of relaxation in practices such as meditation and astral projection, they are likely to become more sensitive to energies that surround them. Normally this types of energies are not perceptible to people. It is only when the energy centers of our astral body (also known as chakras) start becoming more active that we will become more sensitive. These chakras are like an intermediate
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Astral projection or Lucid dreaming: Which One to Choose

I decided to write this post as a sort of a clarification, and to expand a little bit upon the meaning of these two abilities. I noticed that many people think about lucid dreaming as something that is happening exclusively in the mind, and believe that through it they can satisfy their unfulfilled desires, have a lot of fun, enhance their personality, as well as work on various obstacles that they have in daily life. Such usage is what many 'experts' in this field promote. The former boast
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Astral Travel Training: Tips that Increase Chances for OBE (Part 3/3)

Practices are not only about quantity. Even more important is quality. Easier said than done, but it's a golden rule and very worthwhile to grasp it well. Someone once said that "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts", and that if the door you try to open is not opening by pushing, then you need to pull it. This indicate the need to experiment in order to get to results.
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Having More and Better Quality Astral Experiences (Part Two)

This article is a continuation from the one from previous week, in which we deal with increasing chances for astral projection, and having more conscious out of body experiences and lucid dreams. Last week I mentioned some important aspects such as concentration, awareness, relaxation, prayer, setting intention and goals etc. This week I will focus more on some other elements, equally important in order to start having regular astral experiences. To have such experiences on weekly (or even
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Increasing Chances for Astral Projection: Learning to Have Consistent Out of Body Experiences (1/3)

Astral travel is an enchanting ability, one of those that inspires mystery and wonder in many people throughout the world. And how wouldn’t it be when it offers potential to explore higher realities, a higher dimension of life in which so many things are possible. Most of people have difficulty with projecting out of their body. Unfortunately, they interpret this as a sign that astral travel is a made up thing because a technique doesn't work. This of course is jumping to conclusion, which
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