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Achievable Goals and Experiences in Out of Body State (Part II)

In the first part of this article, I talked about some goals and activities when outside the physical body, in the astral plane. In this part, I will mention some other possibilities that can be achieved when out of the body. Here are some more reachable goals:
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What to do in the Astral Plane: A Meaningful Use of Astral Experiences (Part I)

The astral plane is a plane or realm that forms a part of the fifth dimension, another part being the mental plane. Astral is our home in the more proper sense of the word, it is where we return life after life, and we also visit it in the hours of sleep in order to go through various things that our Being wants us to go there, things such as learning, experiencing, helping etc. Although in the morning we may remember only a small fraction of what happened there, it is a place that holds
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Mantras for Astral Projection

In the teachings of Samael Aun Weor, there are many mantras that are taught as a mean to achieve astral projection. The latter is an ability through which we can safely leave our physical body at will in order to consciously enter the astral plane (which is in the fifth dimension), in order to explore more of the reality than what we know of here in this physical world.  This was an important practice in many esoteric and occult schools of various religions and spiritual traditions, because
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Is Fearing and Avoiding Astral Realms Necessary?

Astral travel is a fantastic ability that many would like to develop, but for many this thought of consciously stepping out of their body brings up fear, not knowing if they will come back, or fearing the unknown etc. On top of that, some 19th century occult writers, such as Helena Blavatsky, have also contributed to spreading this fear of astral planes by saying that it’s better to avoid it all together because of its illusionary nature and temptation that is to be found there. However,
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Astral Travel Training: Tips that Increase Chances for OBE (Part 3/3)

Practices are not only about quantity. Even more important is quality. Easier said than done, but it's a golden rule and very worthwhile to grasp it well. Someone once said that "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts", and that if the door you try to open is not opening by pushing, then you need to pull it. This indicate the need to experiment in order to get to results.
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Spiritual Protection in the Astral Plane (Part II)

Two very effective recitation techniques to dispell negtivity  are called Bellilin and Jupiter. Performing Jupiter recitation in the astral should be done in the following way: place the palm of your left hand on the solar plexus area, and point your right hand towards a spirit you want to dispell. Fingers of your right hand should be in a form of a gun, i.e. thumb up, middle and index finger outstreched. Then say out loud and with strenght:
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Potentials of Astral Travel

Astral travel, the ability to travel outside of the physical body, is an amazing thing to experience and develop. It is said that every person experience this at least once in a lifetime. It seems it is very common for children to experience it, some of them even frequently. Unfortunately, this natural ability for children is lost as we get older. The reason for this is that as children we still do not have all the layers of psychological energies which develop and/or become active as we
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