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Reflection on the Seven Last Words of Jesus

In an esoteric sense, the life of Jesus Christ provides with an incredible wealth of insights that every initiate (and aspirant to the Path) would do well by studying and trying to understand its deeper significance, and how it relates to us individually, as his life was more than just a historical account or a one-time saving event. When we begin with our awakening process, we start to notice that the lives of great spiritual masters can also be looked at from the point of view of the Path
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Reflecting and Meditating on Verses of Sacred Texts

Reading spiritual texts can be a great source of motivation, inspiring us and opening our minds to new approaches and thoughts. Most people read these texts in order to learn something new, which is a valid reason, though such information stays only on intellectual level if it is not understood with the faculty of intuition or grasped by the sufficient free consciousness that an individual have, though as such abilities depend on spiritual level, not everyone can get those insights when
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The Laws of Return (Reincarnation) and Recurrence

There are many Universal laws that govern the cyclic existence in which we move, within the Wheel of Samsara. It is said that the seven dimensions of this Universe are all of different number of laws: the three-dimensional world has 48 laws, the fourth dimension has 24 laws, the fifth dimension (astral and mental plane) has 12 laws, the sixth dimension (causal and buddhic plane) has 6 laws, and the seventh dimension (Atmic plane) has 3 laws, and in the Absolute there is only 1 law.
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Discovering the Psychological Buffers

’Buffer’ is a term which requires special explanation. We know what buffers on railway carriages are. They are the contrivances which lessen the shock when carriages or trucks strike one another. If there were no buffers the shock of one carriage against another would be very unpleasant and dangerous. Buffers soften the results of these shocks and render them unnoticeable and imperceptible.
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What to do in the Astral Plane: A Meaningful Use of Astral Experiences (Part I)

The astral plane is a plane or realm that forms a part of the fifth dimension, another part being the mental plane. Astral is our home in the more proper sense of the word, it is where we return life after life, and we also visit it in the hours of sleep in order to go through various things that our Being wants us to go there, things such as learning, experiencing, helping etc. Although in the morning we may remember only a small fraction of what happened there, it is a place that holds
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Journeying Eternity as a Liberated Soul (Ancient Egyptian Depiction)

One of the funerary texts that is part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is a book called the Book of Traversing Eternity, which describes what happens to a person who incarnates their Divine Being while still alive. In Ancient Egypt, when someone reached a high spiritual level by incarnating various parts of their inner Being, they would often add “Osiris” or “Horus” to their name, which is a spiritual title rather than the eternal name of the Being that we become aware of once we reach the
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Internal and External Oppositions are Opportunities to Climb Higher

Both in life and in the inner work, we come across many different oppositions. In regular life we will have people who will oppose us in one way or the other; sometimes we meet or deal with people who are like-minded, and at other times we face people who have a different viewpoint than us. Oppositions in life can also be related to what we do, what our interests are, and there are even oppositions that oppose us because of who we are. We create oppositions to one another because we do not
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Intellectual Information vs. Real Knowledge

When seekers start out their spiritual journey, many have a tendency to read a lot of books on the subject, which is quite normal, because we want to learn as much as possible about this new field of life in which we have so much interest. Eventually, as we gain more understanding about the nature of the spiritual work, we are ought to realize that there is a huge difference between that which we read, which is theory, from that which we experience directly.
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More About the Spiritual Ascension Course

The Spiritual Ascension course is the main activity offered here because it entails presenting the path to complete awakening in a direct and step-by-step way. The goal of this course is to help people to ascend spiritually in a very deep way. I have composed it based on many years of studying and practicing the Gnostic and Esoteric teachings. One of the main reasons why I composed it is to present the path to awakening in a way that is very straightforward and clear, so to help others to
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Spiritual Transformation Described in Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a wonderful compilation of ancient texts that describe passages of the deceased through the process of death. It is known that the ancient Egyptian culture had a lifestyle that revolved around preparation for what will come after the physical body dies. In that sense those people have placed a great emphasis on leading a life that is just, compassionate, and that will move them towards attaining wisdom. Many also struggled to completely break free of the
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Postponing the Inner Work

If we would talk to people who have spiritual longings about the need for the inner work, many would agree that it would be beneficial and even necessary to reach self-realization. At the same time, however, many feel that they are not ready due to their circumstances in life, that they need to place their full attention on their family, job careers, or some projects that they are working on. It’s also not uncommon for those who have been doing the work for some time and have failed in it,
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Tendency to Equate Angels With Humans

A couple of years ago I visited a place in India where I've met a devote of the Hare Krishna movement. We spent some time talking about spiritual things, and during that conversation a topic of lust came up, that further sparkled a talk about Krishna and his human characteristics, particularly some romances from his life. The devote said how it was normal that Krishna had human characteristics such as erotic playfulness and that he had over 16108 wifes, even though he was a spiritual being
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Reflection: To Be Given Another Chance

In context of the inner work, meditate on the following hypothetical situation: Imagine that you are 85 years of age, lying on your deathbed. You don't have much more to go, but enough time to reflect on your life. You see how things went, the ups and downs. You see yourself at one point of your life doing the inner work. Perhaps the memory of happiness and joy overwhelms you, the happiness that you had when you were living a spiritual life and when you were walking towards your Being. You
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