Home wisdom


Exercise of Retrospection – A Powerful Tool That Can Change Your Life

An exercise of retrospection is a powerful tool. With it we gain self-knowledge, insights, and understanding about our behavior and subconscious defects or egos (things such as anger, fear, pride, lust etc.) that have manifested during the day but have gone unnoticed, and as they go unseen they are controlling our lives. As it is said, 'Life is a series of events'.
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Heroes, by Rumi

Does any artist paint for the sake of the picture itself, without the hope of offering some good? No, but for the sake of  the viewers and the young who will be drawn by it and freed from cares. Or does any potter hastily throw a pot or a bowl without any thought of what it will hold? Does any calligrapher write for the script alone without any regard for the reader?
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The Water We Seek

The eye or the spirit that focuses on the transient falls on its face wherever it goes. Someone who focuses on the distance, without knowledge, may see far, but just as we do in a dream.
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Gnosis means knowledge

Gnosis means knowledge in Greek. I will say something about my understanding of Gnosis in the way I came to know this concept in the last several years. “Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the gods.” This is written on the entrance of the temple of Apollo in Delhi, Greece. This phrase in short says what Gnosis is about. It’s about attaining the knowledge of the Universe through the knowledge of oneself. It is not a type of knowledge that we can get by reading it in a book
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