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Music, Art and Poetry

Prayer of Messanger Paul (from Gnostic Ancient Text)

I thought it would be a good idea to start this new week in July with the prayer of messanger Paul. I deliberately don't want to call him an apostle because he came after Jesus (he never met him personally), and was not part of the original twelve. Yet it seems he was well connected to a higher guidance, and the following prayer has depth. It is included and an opening text in the Nag Hammadi scriptures. The latter are gnostic scriptures (most of which are early Christian texts) discovered
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‘The Two Trees’ poem and song

'The Two Trees' is a poem written by an Irish poet William Butler Yeats.  He was inspired by Celtic mythology, and has written the poem in the last part of the 19th century. I wasn't aware of it until I heard the musical composition of the poem, made by Lorenna Mckennit, an interesting Canadian singer and composer of many songs with mystical themes.
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To be awake. What does it mean to be awake? What does it mean to be here and now, to be completely and fully awake? Not to be awake is to be asleep, or half-awake. So much time of our daily life is spent in identification with thoughts and emotions, which inevitably bring about daydreaming. Considering all that, how much time of our lives are we truly awake? There are times when we can be, for our standards, very awake. In those moments it seems that time ceases - there is nothing else but
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Gurdjieff On Art

There is an interesting passage about art that I wish to share here, from the book In Search of the Miraculous. The book is written by Ouspensky but it mostly consists of transcripts from Gurdjieff talks. Gurdjieff was a mystic seeker who found esoteric teachings in the late 19th century. What follows is his take on art from psychological point of view. I do not completely agree with him on some things he say. I believe that sometimes an artist, accidentally or otherwise, can tap to a
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Heroes, by Rumi

Does any artist paint for the sake of the picture itself, without the hope of offering some good? No, but for the sake of  the viewers and the young who will be drawn by it and freed from cares. Or does any potter hastily throw a pot or a bowl without any thought of what it will hold? Does any calligrapher write for the script alone without any regard for the reader?
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The Water We Seek

The eye or the spirit that focuses on the transient falls on its face wherever it goes. Someone who focuses on the distance, without knowledge, may see far, but just as we do in a dream.
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