Home prayer


A Prayer to Divine Mother as a Technique for Astral Projection

Traveling out of the body in higher worlds is an ability that anyone interested in it could develop. This ability is known as astral travel. To astral project from the physical body means that one is consciously stepping outside their physical body  The latter body stays behind, asleep and safe in the bed, while the traveler travels with their astral body. There are many techniques for the achievement of this process, but the essence of it is that you (the consciousness) stays awake while
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The Power of Prayer and the Esoteric Forces Behind It

Prayer is a powerful force that we can and should utilize in the inner work. People have been praying for ages, as they felt that there is something more out there, beyond what the eyes can see, that can help them with going through various situations of life. Many religions today encompass prayer as one of the main ‘practices’, and encourage their followers to pray both during services and when alone. Some religions use continuous repetition of certain phrases or words, while some others
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Prayer of Messanger Paul (from Gnostic Ancient Text)

I thought it would be a good idea to start this new week in July with the prayer of messanger Paul. I deliberately don't want to call him an apostle because he came after Jesus (he never met him personally), and was not part of the original twelve. Yet it seems he was well connected to a higher guidance, and the following prayer has depth. It is included and an opening text in the Nag Hammadi scriptures. The latter are gnostic scriptures (most of which are early Christian texts) discovered
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