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Two Meditation Approaches by Rudolf Steiner

In many of his teachings, the founder of the Anthroposophic school, Rudolf Steiner, emphasized the need for meditation in order to develop a rich inner life that would eventually lead to the blossom of organs of perceptions with which one can study higher worlds. This Gnostic approach to study of the higher worlds and higher knowledge, Mr. Steiner, called the spiritual science. For the purposes of his research, he mostly taught some simple but effective concentration practices. In today’s
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Discovering the Psychological Buffers

’Buffer’ is a term which requires special explanation. We know what buffers on railway carriages are. They are the contrivances which lessen the shock when carriages or trucks strike one another. If there were no buffers the shock of one carriage against another would be very unpleasant and dangerous. Buffers soften the results of these shocks and render them unnoticeable and imperceptible.
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To Transcend the Ego or to Eliminate it

The work on the ego is the basis of true spiritual progress. Without working on it, we can only improve the quality of our energies to a very small degree, and can train ourselves to be a (seemingly) happier person, but in reality we won’t really be that much happier than when we had no clue about any spiritual teachings, but rather we will just concern ourselves more with things less mundane. The true happiness is achieved when we devote ourselves to the work on the ego. Peace, on the
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Sacredness of the Word and its Power to Transform us and the World

During one of his talks, Samael Aun Weor has said the following: The Consciousness sleeps in our larynx, we are unconscious of the words. We need to become totally conscious of the word. There are times when to speak is a transgression, there are times when to keep silent also is a transgression.
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Max Heindel’s Science of Nutrition and Diet Plan

In his book The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Max Heindel wrote a chapter about the science of nutrition, explaining in depth the correlation between good nutrition and ability to progress spirituality, as well as which food benefits spiritual development, and which type of food should be avoided to prevent fast decay of the body. The way he explained the science of nutrition in the context of spirituality is very rounded and profound, which is why I decided to summarize that part of the
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A Visualization Practice to Perceive what is Beyond our Universe

A number of years ago, on a retreat in Europe, we did an interesting practice of visualization. There are many exercises of visualization, which are often used to perceive clairvoyantly, for communication purposes, or simply to improve one’s ability to concentrate. The one we did on that retreat was to perceive what is out there beyond our Universe. While this practice can be done in any quiet environment, doing it in nature would be particularly suited, and the retreat leader even
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Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition: A Gateway To Higher Knowledge

Imagination, inspiration and intuition are all faculties or states related to that which is the highest within us - the Spirit. In several of his books, Samael Aun Weor has spoken about imagination, inspiration and intuition as something that goes together, or that is tied to one another when looking at it from the point of view of higher knowledge. From his explanation, we can deduct that the first degree of knowledge is imaginative (or clairvoyant) knowledge, but that this type of
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The Role of a Spiritual Teacher (And is it Even Necessary to Have One)

When it comes to spirituality in today’s world, there are many approaches to it: some people feel that they need a teacher, while some others read a lot of books and try to figure out things that way, and others yet join different groups in their search for knowledge, etc. However, it seems to me that most of the people who feel a need for spirituality would try and find someone who can help them with the direction that they’ve chosen. Often, though, many seekers do not know which direction
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Intellectual Information vs. Real Knowledge

When seekers start out their spiritual journey, many have a tendency to read a lot of books on the subject, which is quite normal, because we want to learn as much as possible about this new field of life in which we have so much interest. Eventually, as we gain more understanding about the nature of the spiritual work, we are ought to realize that there is a huge difference between that which we read, which is theory, from that which we experience directly.
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More About the Spiritual Ascension Course

The Spiritual Ascension course is the main activity offered here because it entails presenting the path to complete awakening in a direct and step-by-step way. The goal of this course is to help people to ascend spiritually in a very deep way. I have composed it based on many years of studying and practicing the Gnostic and Esoteric teachings. One of the main reasons why I composed it is to present the path to awakening in a way that is very straightforward and clear, so to help others to
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Importance of Being Surrounded With Things of High Nature

When a person starts to work on themselves in a psychological-spiritual way, the frequency of their vibration will start to raise. This brings many changes to their life – many spheres of their life are transformed for the better, including how they approach and interact with their environment. One good example is that such a person would not feel comfortable any more living in a house that is cluttered with things and where mess abounds.
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Prayer of Messanger Paul (from Gnostic Ancient Text)

I thought it would be a good idea to start this new week in July with the prayer of messanger Paul. I deliberately don't want to call him an apostle because he came after Jesus (he never met him personally), and was not part of the original twelve. Yet it seems he was well connected to a higher guidance, and the following prayer has depth. It is included and an opening text in the Nag Hammadi scriptures. The latter are gnostic scriptures (most of which are early Christian texts) discovered
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Exercise of Retrospection – A Powerful Tool That Can Change Your Life

An exercise of retrospection is a powerful tool. With it we gain self-knowledge, insights, and understanding about our behavior and subconscious defects or egos (things such as anger, fear, pride, lust etc.) that have manifested during the day but have gone unnoticed, and as they go unseen they are controlling our lives. As it is said, 'Life is a series of events'.
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Heroes, by Rumi

Does any artist paint for the sake of the picture itself, without the hope of offering some good? No, but for the sake of  the viewers and the young who will be drawn by it and freed from cares. Or does any potter hastily throw a pot or a bowl without any thought of what it will hold? Does any calligrapher write for the script alone without any regard for the reader?
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