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A Visualization Practice to Perceive what is Beyond our Universe

A number of years ago, on a retreat in Europe, we did an interesting practice of visualization. There are many exercises of visualization, which are often used to perceive clairvoyantly, for communication purposes, or simply to improve one’s ability to concentrate. The one we did on that retreat was to perceive what is out there beyond our Universe. While this practice can be done in any quiet environment, doing it in nature would be particularly suited, and the retreat leader even
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Gnosis and the Search for Answers about Life and Oneself

In this day and age, there are many people who are searching for answers about deeper things of life, and there is even more of those who would like to search for answers but are prevented from it by the feeling that it is a pointless undertaking, because they are of opinion that there is no objective way to do it. This can bring such souls to the point of desperation - feeling that there is something out there and yet don’t know of the ways by which they could arrive to the knowledge that
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Guru Yoga Practice – Gnostic Approach

Not long ago I had a chance to read a book that was about an esoteric practice, as seen in the context of Tibetan Buddhism. One of the practices that was mentioned in this book is called Guru Yoga. It is a type of meditative practice that entails bringing in a high ideal and putting it in front of you. I heard about Guru Yoga term even before that, but in the context of invoking a spiritual teacher.
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