Home 2020 January 09 More About the Spiritual Ascension Course

More About the Spiritual Ascension Course

The Spiritual Ascension course is the main activity offered here because it entails presenting the path to complete awakening in a direct and step-by-step way. The goal of this course is to help people to ascend spiritually in a very deep way. I have composed it based on many years of studying and practicing the Gnostic and Esoteric teachings. One of the main reasons why I composed it is to present the path to awakening in a way that is very straightforward and clear, so to help others to not get lost in too much theory and wonderings about whether they should do this or that.

The Spiritual Ascension course includes the most important aspects for awakening, presented during 12 week period. Each week during the course there is an online classroom that lasts for one hour, in which a topic is covered, a practice, and attendees also have opportunity to ask questions. Program of the course is the following:

  1. Introduction: consciousness and spiritual development (practice: Awareness)
  2. Journey of consciousness inside the Universal laws and the Wheel of Samsara (practice: Awareness and Concentration)
  3. The path to complete awakening (practice: Awareness and Concentration)
  4. Self-knowledge and the five psychological centers (practice: Self-observation)
  5. The Three keys to awakening (practice: First key)
  6. Sexual energy in the esoteric work (practice: Second key)
  7. Helping others spiritually (practice: Third key)
  8. Tree of Life: Macrocosm and Microcosm (practice: Connecting with the Being)
  9. Meditation for Exploration of Reality
  10. Meditation for Self-knowledge
  11. Astral Travel and Looking into Dreams
  12. Astral Unfoldment and Higher Realms

The online classes will take place in three different time zones so that everyone has opportunity to attend. The structure of the course is based on verbal transmission of the teachings in the online classroom scenario, but each week I will send out to participants some additional reading materials that they can read and that are related to weekly topics.

In conclusion, I will just repeat that this course is the main thing offered on this website. Articles that I write can be of help too, but the Spiritual Ascension course will help to anyone who wants to awaken to actually starts doing it by applying practices such as awareness of the present moment, self-observation, the keys to awakening, and much more. All of this will be explained, and it will also hopefully help those who need a study group to keep them more focused, which is something that can be of a lot of help.

Author: Dario

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