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Reflection on the Inner Being

Much has been said about the inner Being, and yet everything that is said remains abstract; that is, it is abstract for those who cannot relate to it in any way, whilst those who have done a degree of the inner work and expanded their consciousness can feel intuitively, at least to a degree, what the Being is about. And those who have it incarnated, know it more profoundly, and yet it still remains a mystery even to them. The reason for this is because of our earthly mind, personality and
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Contemplation on Life and the Path

On this path you are on you will find many things which perhaps you thought would make you happy, but as the days passed, you realized that this was not so. You asked yourself, “What happened? Where are they? Where did they go?” Perhaps you are encountering more of such things and logically, you might think that now you will be happy; the day may pass, and another deception comes and you, dear traveler, will say, “What pain I feel; I feel deceived with another disillusion.” Maybe you will
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Is Truth One, or Many?

“What is the truth” is one of the main objective of spiritual quest throughout millennia; every spiritual seeker is searching for the truth about life, death, oneself, reality etc. We could say that everyone is seeking for deeper questions of life, regardless if they are of a religious, spiritual, agnostic or atheistic mindset, though the strength of the inner impulse that makes one question is of a different intensity, just like the work for self-realization varies from one person to another.
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Reflecting and Meditating on Verses of Sacred Texts

Reading spiritual texts can be a great source of motivation, inspiring us and opening our minds to new approaches and thoughts. Most people read these texts in order to learn something new, which is a valid reason, though such information stays only on intellectual level if it is not understood with the faculty of intuition or grasped by the sufficient free consciousness that an individual have, though as such abilities depend on spiritual level, not everyone can get those insights when
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The Values of Society and the Values of the Being

Since the very early age of our life, we start going through a conditioning process, where our mind is being shaped based on the norms of society. The first people in our life who do that are obviously our parents, who have gone through the same process and have their mind shaped and molded in the way to fit the society’s frames. Besides our parents, our mind has been heavily shaped by our peers, the education system, and various other institutions that we have encountered and had to deal
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Discovering the Psychological Buffers

’Buffer’ is a term which requires special explanation. We know what buffers on railway carriages are. They are the contrivances which lessen the shock when carriages or trucks strike one another. If there were no buffers the shock of one carriage against another would be very unpleasant and dangerous. Buffers soften the results of these shocks and render them unnoticeable and imperceptible.
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Forgiveness on the Way to the Being

As we entered a new calendar year, I thought it would be useful to reflect a little on the topic of forgiveness and letting go, in order to not carry all the grudges and all the psychological trash that comes with it into this new year. Just like birthdays and some other important events of our life, the new year can also serve as a new starting point to strengthen our determination to do better spiritually in everyday life, by leaving behind that which is rotten or useless, by maintaining
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Humility and Kindness

Humility and kindness are some of many qualities of the spirit that emerge as one grows spiritually. Humility is the quality of the consciousness that arises as pride is being disintegrated. Pride, being such an enormous ego with numerous aspects, will have the trapped essence having the opposite quality once it is liberated with the mystical death - it will be endowed with the quality of humility.
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A Reflection on Buddha’s Advice to do Charity if one cannot do the Work

The real road is the Path that takes us deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the Being, into the inner and outer reality. To make progress on it, there is a lot that one needs to change in one’s life, a lot to sacrifice and a lot to replace. One’s life has to become centered around that higher goal, otherwise the life devours us, and we become detached from a deeper spirituality.
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Not Questioning a Spiritual Authority Can Lead to Fanaticism and Failure

A psychological trait that can be found in every spiritual tradition is a tendency to accept the words of the spiritual authority of that tradition as being always right. Of course, not all followers of such authorities do that, but it seems that the majority does. In some traditions this problem is emphasized and encouraged to work upon, whereas in others not much (or at all) is spoken about it. Not being aware of this psychological trait, or not being willing to work upon it when
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Seriousness in the Work

It is useful in our inner work to occasionally step back and reflect on how we are doing, to see if we are still moving in a proper and optimal way towards the spiritual goals that we have set for ourselves. If this is not done, life could easily consume us, and we would go about our day believing that we are making progress, when in fact very little or no change at all is occurring within.
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Guru Yoga Practice – Gnostic Approach

Not long ago I had a chance to read a book that was about an esoteric practice, as seen in the context of Tibetan Buddhism. One of the practices that was mentioned in this book is called Guru Yoga. It is a type of meditative practice that entails bringing in a high ideal and putting it in front of you. I heard about Guru Yoga term even before that, but in the context of invoking a spiritual teacher.
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Reflection: To Be Given Another Chance

In context of the inner work, meditate on the following hypothetical situation: Imagine that you are 85 years of age, lying on your deathbed. You don't have much more to go, but enough time to reflect on your life. You see how things went, the ups and downs. You see yourself at one point of your life doing the inner work. Perhaps the memory of happiness and joy overwhelms you, the happiness that you had when you were living a spiritual life and when you were walking towards your Being. You
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Everything passes

Not long ago I have read a transcript of a talk of Samael Aun Weor in which he, among other things, writes about the passing of things in this world. Even though I already have a certain undertanding of how we shouldn’t react to things when we find ourselves in situations that seems endless, I was still touched by his childhood story:
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