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Self-Realization: The Ticket to the Fullness of Infinity

When dealing with the topic of self-realization, of bringing forth a latent potential that is hidden within a human being, it is very useful to research about it to the best of our abilities. This is done in the most substantial way by searching for the information within oneself, through contemplation, prayer, meditation, and other forms that can allow for such knowledge to be revealed to us by our inner Being, at least in glimpses until direct experience of it arrives.
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The Role of Veneration in Spirituality (Excerpt from Rudolf Steiner)

Over the last few decades, particularly with the rise of the new age movement, the role of veneration in spirituality has started to lose its significance as people started to intellectualize about what spirituality is and how to achieve its ultimate goal. People from these newer forms of spirituality would still feel the connection with something higher than themselves, but the teachings of such groups would position itself above the esoteric teachings, producing the overall approach that
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Significant Spiritual Level Means Access to Psychic Perceptions?

Not long ago I have read a book by Peter Deunov (also known as Beinsa Douno) who was a popular spiritual teacher in Europe in the first half of the 20th century, and has mostly taught a type of spirituality that incorporates something of Western Esotericism and Christianity. There are some insightful things in that book, but also one very common misconception when it comes to spiritual development.
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Everything passes

Not long ago I have read a transcript of a talk of Samael Aun Weor in which he, among other things, writes about the passing of things in this world. Even though I already have a certain undertanding of how we shouldn’t react to things when we find ourselves in situations that seems endless, I was still touched by his childhood story:
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