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Embracing your Shadow: The No-Struggle Approach to Spirituality

There is a popular philosophy that talks about embracing the dark side of one’s psychology, and integrating it with the conscious side. The dark side, in this line of thought, is usually those things that are not accepted forms of behavior; things such as jealousy, arrogance, malevolence, rage, as well as some other strong manifestations of egos that society deem inappropriate. Lighter form of egos, on the other hand, are not seen as a problem in this philosophy. In fact, they are
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The Force of Entropy (and how to Overcome it)

The force of entropy, or the law of entropy, is a universal law that is related to the dissipation of energy. In science, this is known as the second law of thermodynamics. Unlike the first law of thermodynamics that states how the Universe contains and preserves its force, the second law of thermodynamics says how that force is gradually lost. This law of entropy affects everything, all aspects of existence. Every building up of force will eventually result in its dissipation, unless
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A Journey through the Four States of Consciousness

The goal of the spiritual work is to climb up the ladder of the Being, to reach higher and higher stages of the Path that can take one to the incarnation of all the parts of the inner Being. The consciousness that we have is the key factor in achieving that goal, because upon its transformation depends our movement forward. By performing the inner work, we go through esoteric initiations of the Path by which our consciousness is truly changed and expanded, and like this we journey through
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A Psychological Condition of Mythomania in Spirituality

Mythomania in spirituality is one of the psychological obstacles that can emerge in people who are interested in spirituality, and even more so in those who become more dedicated. Its roots are in the ego states of pride and vanity, and is one of the psychological traps that a person interested in spirituality could face, others being things such as fanaticism, dogmatic thinking, and adopting a group mentality. According to dictionary, mythomania is “an excessive or abnormal propensity
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The Battle of the Opposites Within the Mind

The battle of the opposites is a very important teaching from esoteric psychology, and on which Samael expanded upon in his teachings. The mind is an incredible instrument that we have; it gives us potential to think, plan, and organize our lives in a way that other species cannot, however at the same time it is also a great obstacle to spiritual progress. An ordinary human mind that most of us start any deeper form of spiritual work with is very limited in its scope and potential,
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Everything passes

Not long ago I have read a transcript of a talk of Samael Aun Weor in which he, among other things, writes about the passing of things in this world. Even though I already have a certain undertanding of how we shouldn’t react to things when we find ourselves in situations that seems endless, I was still touched by his childhood story:
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Gurdjieff On Art

There is an interesting passage about art that I wish to share here, from the book In Search of the Miraculous. The book is written by Ouspensky but it mostly consists of transcripts from Gurdjieff talks. Gurdjieff was a mystic seeker who found esoteric teachings in the late 19th century. What follows is his take on art from psychological point of view. I do not completely agree with him on some things he say. I believe that sometimes an artist, accidentally or otherwise, can tap to a
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Maya – The Source of Illusion

Maya is a well known concept in Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, etc, and it is more and more known in New Age circles as well as in Esoteric traditions worldwide. The concept entails that the entire third dimension in which we live is a material dimension created for beings to learn through suffering and paying karma, and to eventually start removing animalistic and negative impulses which consequently leads to knowledge of oneself and the reality of existence. The
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