Home transformation


Seriousness in the Work

It is useful in our inner work to occasionally step back and reflect on how we are doing, to see if we are still moving in a proper and optimal way towards the spiritual goals that we have set for ourselves. If this is not done, life could easily consume us, and we would go about our day believing that we are making progress, when in fact very little or no change at all is occurring within.
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Why to Avoid Feeding Your Psyche with Low Impressions

In the course of daily life, we are exposed to a lot of impressions that reach us through our five senses. Regardless if we live in the East or in the West, the modern world has taken on a path that has some very harmful aspects for our spiritual progress - things such as wild capitalism, insatiable consumerism, bombardment with ads wherever we go, senseless trends, addictive and low entertainment, degrading use of sexuality, a sick pleasure in gossiping, etc. These types of impressions
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