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The Gnostic Mystery of Lucifer and its Esoteric Meaning

A lot has been spoken about Lucifer, a lot of fear has been conjured up by the name that has been associated with the anthropomorphic Satan throughout the Christian history. Outside the esoteric circles, very little or nothing is known about the true meaning and purpose of the aspect that is so relevant for the self-realization of the Being.
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Spiritualizing Lust: A Dangerous Trap in Alchemical and Overall Gnostic Work

During his lifetime, Samael Aun Weor has wrote extensively about the sexual aspect of the spiritual work – the aspect related to sexual alchemy, about a correct usage of the sexual energy and transmutation, and about sexuality in general and why is it so important for spiritual awakening. The Gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor have sexuality and the sexual alchemy very emphasised, which is said to have been one of the main mission of Samael – to reveal publically the key of sexual
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Transmutation of Sexual Energies with Mantras

One of the most important teachings that Samael Aun Weor has left us, is transmutation of sexual energies. Even though this aspect of the spiritual work is one of the ingredients necessary to reach the final Liberation, it is a very important one. All of the elements taught are intrinsic and necessary, such as self-remembrance, self-observation, mystical death etc., and the transmutation of sexual energies is one of such important elements. Without it, we could not go far into the inner
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Why Orgasms Are So Spiritually Harmful

Sexual energy is a very powerful energy that is part of the human being in many ways. It is a creative energy, which can be observed by the obvious example of procreation, but it can also be used to transform oneself spiritually. Sexual energy is often mistaken for lustful sensations and emotions that manifest in genitals, torso and the mind, but it is actually a different thing.  It is a force that sustain us, and that can ultimately liberate us from all suffering. Using sexual energies to
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2nd Key for Awakening – Alchemy

Alchemy (in the East known as White Tantra) is a practice used for transmutation of internal energies. At one point in the history, the concept of “alchemy” was very popular among people. Exoterically it means transformation of lead into gold. Many people have tried to unravel the mysterious and obscure sacred writings of old alchemists in order to start making gold and to become rich. However, they didn’t know that the essence of alchemy goes much deeper than purely physical
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The Water We Seek

The eye or the spirit that focuses on the transient falls on its face wherever it goes. Someone who focuses on the distance, without knowledge, may see far, but just as we do in a dream.
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