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Guidelines for Spiritual Initiates

“Brother. . . remember that you are a traveler who advances without a Path, because you are the one who makes your Path. Walk straight, in a straight line, and at each step of your way get rid of what weighs you down. Everything which you see on your way, observe it well in order to know it and to understand it.
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Journeying Eternity as a Liberated Soul (Ancient Egyptian Depiction)

One of the funerary texts that is part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is a book called the Book of Traversing Eternity, which describes what happens to a person who incarnates their Divine Being while still alive. In Ancient Egypt, when someone reached a high spiritual level by incarnating various parts of their inner Being, they would often add “Osiris” or “Horus” to their name, which is a spiritual title rather than the eternal name of the Being that we become aware of once we reach the
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The Probative Path of the Great Work

The knowledge of the Probative path and the Path proper has been shared by many esoteric authors, in different ways. However, what I am going to write in this article is a very practical and concise information that is originating in the Gnostic teachings. It is an experimental knowledge that doesn’t have to stay written in a text, but can be verified by everyone who aspires to reach a higher form of life. The Probative path of the Great Work relates to part of the Path that is important
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Signs of the Awakening of Kundalini and its Six Mystical States

The Kundalini energy is one of the essential parts of the spiritual awakening and the process that leads towards the Final Liberation, which is the liberation from the Wheel of Samsara and from the Universe. This energy rises up from the base of the spine in the Muladhara chakra and it goes up through the Sushumna channel in the spine until it reaches the Sahasrara chakra at the top of the head, opening the connection between the human being and their divine origin.
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The Value of Patience on the Gnostic Path

One of the most important virtues that we can cultivate on the Path, is patience. There are many other important virtues that are indispensable, such as honesty, chastity, love, compassion, will etc., but in order to acquire those, we need to have patience. Therefore, with patience we can climb the ladder of the Being, and eventually reach the Human Soul – the first of the parts of our inner Being that we incarnate on the path to liberation.
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The Spiral and the Direct Path on the Journey to Final Liberation

When we commence the journey that leads towards the 'final' liberation, which is the liberation from the Creation and the Universe in which we are and where we grow, we find our life is not just something random, but rather that it has a concrete purpose; we begin to notice all the lessons that were taking place in our life before our commencement of the inner work; the things start to move towards their respective places, like the pieces of jigsaw puzzles. We also begin to notice that the
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Gaining Control over Sexual Urge and Lust (Part II)

In the Part One of this article I mentioned some important things that could be considered and worked upon when wanting to deal with overcoming lust and sexual urge. As already mentioned there, lust is a great obstacle to spiritual advancement for many people. The reason for this is because sexual energy as such is the most powerful energy that we have in the body, and lust draws from this energy in order to gain strength and to ultimately feed itself as the result of having us giving in to
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Entering the Threshold of the Path to Liberation

Often time, and for many people, the path to liberation appears elusive, incomprehensible, something that is out there and unreachable for most. It may especially appear so when we discover that many legends and myths of the world refer to stages of this same path, trodden by some famous figures of the past. All of this could be somewhat discouraging, though at the same time inspiring to consider that it might be possible to walk on that path and discover things that have been passed on for
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Your Path and the Path to Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a goal of many people who are interested in spirituality. Many will make a real effort to investigate about what enlightenment is and how to achieve it. Depending on their circumstances and the readiness of their inner Being, the search may take them in different directions and philosophies, such as to Gnosticism, Theosophy, Sufism, various branches of Hinduism or Buddhism , or some more contemporary spiritual branches, such as New Age etc. (just to name a few). There are
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Samael Aun Weor’s Mirror Practice to Strengthen Your Soul

Some time ago I encountered this interesting practice/petition from a book called Introduction to Gnosis by Samael Aun Weor. In it he describes how to get in closer contact with ones own soul, and how to try strengthening it with a petition that is done in front of a mirror. This can be very useful if we struggle in our inner work, when our will is succumbing to that of the egos, when it seems to us that we are not ascending in a proper way, or that we are stagnant, unable to lift up from
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Self-observation for knoweldge of the self

Once we tackle the exercise of self-remembrance and grounding ourselves in the here and now, the next step is to observe within. By so doing, we see what is happening in our five psychological centers where the egos (subconscious defects) manifest. These defects govern our lives in so many ways, but when we start observing them from the point of view of an observer, we are then able to detach from them and not go along with what they want us to do.
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