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Looking into ‘Spiritual’ Arrogance

Pride has many ways to manifest itself, and one of them is through interest in spirituality. Unfortunately, a lot of folks don’t really notice that this is happening within them, because their idea of the inner work is a water-down version of that which the inner work actually is, or the knowledge of it is simply lacking all together. For this reason, it is not uncommon to see the same interplay of egos when meeting people with an interest in spirituality. The same interplay, though often
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Science and Spiritual Wisdom

We live in the point in time when science is put on the highest pedestal of society. If science agrees with something, it gives it approval to have its place in the world, and if it doesn’t, that something becomes marginalized and is looked in a certain way. Spirituality, for example, is deemed not scientific, and therefore it is placed in a special unprivileged place in society where, although billions of people around the world are practicing their religion, they are not too open about
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How To Experience and Feel Your Consciousness

To have a direct experience of one’s own consciousness seems to be a prerequisite for many spiritual endeavours and endeavours towards higher knowledge. Without knowing what the consciousness is, we are still tapping in the dark and have yet to arrive to one of the first major thresholds of the path. Without this experiential knowledge, we can go up to a certain point, but eventually we have to acquire this experience in order to build up faith in the inner work and in the Being.
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A Deeper Meaning Behind “Expansion of Consciousness”

In the last few decades there has been a lot of talk in various spiritual circles about expansion of consciousness; that in order to be spiritual, the person needs to expand their consciousness. Many people say that by using meditation or some other spiritual practices, that they have expanded their consciousness. If you would to inquire more about what they mean by this, often time you would get an answer that they have become more aware in daily life and more conscious of the things that
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Levels of Understanding Through Consciousness and Inner Work

It has been often said that teacher comes when student is ready. This readiness of the student depends on his level of understanding. In the beginning he finds the work and teachers, and then as his understanding increases he is able to understand more and more of the esoteric subjects. This increase of understanding is directly related to his own inner work. If the work is not taking place inside him, the level stays the same, and sometimes it can even disappear (if we go backwards),
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The Purpose and Importance of Meditation

In today's day and age, in the pace of life that tries to keep up with the modern system of living, where almost everything revolves around making money and survival, many have started questioning if this is the true way to be, if this is our true nature, and are turning towards silence. This can then eventually lead them to meditation.
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Astral projection or Lucid dreaming: Which One to Choose

I decided to write this post as a sort of a clarification, and to expand a little bit upon the meaning of these two abilities. I noticed that many people think about lucid dreaming as something that is happening exclusively in the mind, and believe that through it they can satisfy their unfulfilled desires, have a lot of fun, enhance their personality, as well as work on various obstacles that they have in daily life. Such usage is what many 'experts' in this field promote. The former boast
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Spontaneous Practice in India: Meditation in Space

Last year I was traveling in India, visiting many of the interesting places with temples and heightened energy. There are many religions in India, and people practicing them are co-existing peacefully with one another. The spiritual energy permeating many of the places in India has attracted spiritual seekers for centuries, and being there last year for the first time I glimpsed as to why that is so. Such a long tradition of spiritual activity has left tangible charge to the country, and
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Self-observation for knoweldge of the self

Once we tackle the exercise of self-remembrance and grounding ourselves in the here and now, the next step is to observe within. By so doing, we see what is happening in our five psychological centers where the egos (subconscious defects) manifest. These defects govern our lives in so many ways, but when we start observing them from the point of view of an observer, we are then able to detach from them and not go along with what they want us to do.
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