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Astral projection or Lucid dreaming: Which One to Choose

I decided to write this post as a sort of a clarification, and to expand a little bit upon the meaning of these two abilities. I noticed that many people think about lucid dreaming as something that is happening exclusively in the mind, and believe that through it they can satisfy their unfulfilled desires, have a lot of fun, enhance their personality, as well as work on various obstacles that they have in daily life. Such usage is what many 'experts' in this field promote. The former boast
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Astral Travel Training: Tips that Increase Chances for OBE (Part 3/3)

Practices are not only about quantity. Even more important is quality. Easier said than done, but it's a golden rule and very worthwhile to grasp it well. Someone once said that "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts", and that if the door you try to open is not opening by pushing, then you need to pull it. This indicate the need to experiment in order to get to results.
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