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The Inner Work Includes Working on Good Egos too, not just on Bad Ones

When we do a deep form of the inner work, with a goal to reach a complete dissolution of the ego, we find ourselves involved in a continuous self-observation, observing the five psychological centers from moment to moment. By so doing, we discover that our psychological world comprises many things; we see the subtlety of thoughts, emotions and sensations. We also see the structure material of our mind, different energies that fuel the physical and non-physical bodies, and the jewel of
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Incorporating Spiritual Work into Daily Life, Or the Other Way Around?

There are many different approaches to the spiritual work; some folks take it up full-on, some others with reserve, others yet try to do their best, some approach it as a hobby, etc. The way we take it up depends on several factors, such as where we are in the work, what virtues and faculties we possess, what our Being wants etc., and therefore we cannot criticize others because of that; we can however criticize ourselves if we find that we are willing to do the inner work correctly though
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Spontaneous Practice in India: Meditation in Space

Last year I was traveling in India, visiting many of the interesting places with temples and heightened energy. There are many religions in India, and people practicing them are co-existing peacefully with one another. The spiritual energy permeating many of the places in India has attracted spiritual seekers for centuries, and being there last year for the first time I glimpsed as to why that is so. Such a long tradition of spiritual activity has left tangible charge to the country, and
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