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Signs of the Awakening of Kundalini and its Six Mystical States

The Kundalini energy is one of the essential parts of the spiritual awakening and the process that leads towards the Final Liberation, which is the liberation from the Wheel of Samsara and from the Universe. This energy rises up from the base of the spine in the Muladhara chakra and it goes up through the Sushumna channel in the spine until it reaches the Sahasrara chakra at the top of the head, opening the connection between the human being and their divine origin.
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The Effect of Thoughts on Physical Appearance

It is interesting to acknowledge how the physical dimension that we live in is so much affected by other dimensions and planes of existence. Even though often time our reality seems very fixed and rigid, it is not truly so. Everything is affected by time, and organic creatures are also affected by their ow minds. This is even more so when we speak of humans, the most complex of the creatures (currently known) that live on this planet.
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