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Why Dark Spirits Act from the Mental Plane (and How to Protect Oneself)

In his teachings, Samael Aun Weor has repeated many times that the most dangerous black magicians are in the mental plane. He was telling us that so to warn us of how harmful can be the attacks or influences from the mental plane for anyone doing the inner work, because anyone that is on the path will inevitably face opposition from the forces of darkness. Many people who start looking into spirituality have an idea that the spiritual path is like a refuge from a harsh reality of the
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Is Fearing and Avoiding Astral Realms Necessary?

Astral travel is a fantastic ability that many would like to develop, but for many this thought of consciously stepping out of their body brings up fear, not knowing if they will come back, or fearing the unknown etc. On top of that, some 19th century occult writers, such as Helena Blavatsky, have also contributed to spreading this fear of astral planes by saying that it’s better to avoid it all together because of its illusionary nature and temptation that is to be found there. However,
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Astral Shield: For Protection from External Influences

Once someone starts working on themselves psychologically, and once they start experiencing deeper states of relaxation in practices such as meditation and astral projection, they are likely to become more sensitive to energies that surround them. Normally this types of energies are not perceptible to people. It is only when the energy centers of our astral body (also known as chakras) start becoming more active that we will become more sensitive. These chakras are like an intermediate
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Potentials of Astral Travel

Astral travel, the ability to travel outside of the physical body, is an amazing thing to experience and develop. It is said that every person experience this at least once in a lifetime. It seems it is very common for children to experience it, some of them even frequently. Unfortunately, this natural ability for children is lost as we get older. The reason for this is that as children we still do not have all the layers of psychological energies which develop and/or become active as we
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