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Encounter with People from another Galaxy: Samael’s Journey to Mars

“One day, it does not matter which, when residing in Mexico City, I had to visit “El Desierto de los Leones” (The Desert of the Lions National Park). I wanted to peacefully abide there, even if only for a few hours. I wanted to deliver myself to the calmest of reflections.
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Making Contact with Advanced Extraterrestrial Races (Part Two)

In the first part of this article I wrote a short overview of the involvement of the extraterrestrial races in our evolution from esoteric point of view and also from the point of view of the evidence that was put together over the past decades, that say how the ET beings are present and are observing us for quite some time. It was necessary to write about those things before writing about more practical side of this topic, such as how to have a direct experience with some advanced ET races.
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The Extraterrestrial Involvement in our Spiritual Evolution (Part One)

There is a lot of things that has already been discovered and revealed about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth. It is not a secret anymore that they are here, although the hardcore sceptics in their dogmatic belief negate anything of that sort, despite the overwhelming evidence. The information about the ET’s revealed by different sources has created a strong fantasy-like beliefs in people as to what is it that they really want from us, which was the cause for many conspiracy theories
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Extraterrestrial Message And Question For Humanity

Extraterrestrials have been communicating with individuals for millennia, and when people were more spiritually developed in a long gone past, they've probably been communicating with humanity as a whole. In recent times there have been many cases of individuals claiming to have been contacted by the ET's who revealed to them many things about life and the Universe, as well as asking them to pass their message to humanity. Most of those cases are fake, however there are those that are real.
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