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The Purpose and Importance of Meditation

In today's day and age, in the pace of life that tries to keep up with the modern system of living, where almost everything revolves around making money and survival, many have started questioning if this is the true way to be, if this is our true nature, and are turning towards silence. This can then eventually lead them to meditation.
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Tendency to Equate Angels With Humans

A couple of years ago I visited a place in India where I've met a devote of the Hare Krishna movement. We spent some time talking about spiritual things, and during that conversation a topic of lust came up, that further sparkled a talk about Krishna and his human characteristics, particularly some romances from his life. The devote said how it was normal that Krishna had human characteristics such as erotic playfulness and that he had over 16108 wifes, even though he was a spiritual being
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Astral Travel Training: Tips that Increase Chances for OBE (Part 3/3)

Practices are not only about quantity. Even more important is quality. Easier said than done, but it's a golden rule and very worthwhile to grasp it well. Someone once said that "definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different resuts", and that if the door you try to open is not opening by pushing, then you need to pull it. This indicate the need to experiment in order to get to results.
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Preparing a Place for Spiritual Practices

“Find a quiet retreat for the practice of Yoga, sheltered from the wind, level and clean, free from rubbish, smouldering fires, and ugliness, and where the sound of waters and the beauty of the place help thought and contemplation." ~ The Upanishads As everything else in this world, success in spiritual practice depends on a certain requirements that need to be met, such as discipline, having a strong will-power and determination, right intention and goals, clear vision, asking for help etc.
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Becoming a Spiritual Master

There are many ideas out there about what spiritual mastery entails, and there are many people who think of themselves as spiritual masters. Many believe that to become a master, it is necessary to renounce the mundane life, to retreat to nature and live for the rest of their lives as hermits. Many believe that in order to become a master it is mandatory to be a celibate, and that having a spouse is an obstacle to that. There are also many that believe, that experiencing Reality through
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‘The Two Trees’ poem and song

'The Two Trees' is a poem written by an Irish poet William Butler Yeats.  He was inspired by Celtic mythology, and has written the poem in the last part of the 19th century. I wasn't aware of it until I heard the musical composition of the poem, made by Lorenna Mckennit, an interesting Canadian singer and composer of many songs with mystical themes.
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Spontaneous Practice in India: Meditation in Space

Last year I was traveling in India, visiting many of the interesting places with temples and heightened energy. There are many religions in India, and people practicing them are co-existing peacefully with one another. The spiritual energy permeating many of the places in India has attracted spiritual seekers for centuries, and being there last year for the first time I glimpsed as to why that is so. Such a long tradition of spiritual activity has left tangible charge to the country, and
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Guru Yoga Practice – Gnostic Approach

Not long ago I had a chance to read a book that was about an esoteric practice, as seen in the context of Tibetan Buddhism. One of the practices that was mentioned in this book is called Guru Yoga. It is a type of meditative practice that entails bringing in a high ideal and putting it in front of you. I heard about Guru Yoga term even before that, but in the context of invoking a spiritual teacher.
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Reflection: To Be Given Another Chance

In context of the inner work, meditate on the following hypothetical situation: Imagine that you are 85 years of age, lying on your deathbed. You don't have much more to go, but enough time to reflect on your life. You see how things went, the ups and downs. You see yourself at one point of your life doing the inner work. Perhaps the memory of happiness and joy overwhelms you, the happiness that you had when you were living a spiritual life and when you were walking towards your Being. You
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Spiritual Ways to Dealing With Worry

To worry is a common thing within the human being. We worry so much, almost all the time. Worry can be related to everything in life, but it tends to be strongest when it comes to things that are related to ones own survival. We constantly worry about so many things. For example, what others think of us occupy a strong place in the mind, and it is a worry directly related to pride. All of the worries have their roots in one ego (subconscious inner state, a defect) or another. Worry itself
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Exercise of Retrospection – A Powerful Tool That Can Change Your Life

An exercise of retrospection is a powerful tool. With it we gain self-knowledge, insights, and understanding about our behavior and subconscious defects or egos (things such as anger, fear, pride, lust etc.) that have manifested during the day but have gone unnoticed, and as they go unseen they are controlling our lives. As it is said, 'Life is a series of events'.
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The Power of the Heart and Its Guidance in Life

Recently I returned from a longer trip in South Asia. I wanted it to be a research into sacred sites of peace and power, and their influence on the consciousness and meditation. My intention was also to learn about myself and to get knowledge and wisdom I previously did not have. Spiritually, I found the trip very good, giving me lots of new understanding, situations to learn from, and breakthroughs into my inner work. However, it is beyond the scope of this article to write about what
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Everything passes

Not long ago I have read a transcript of a talk of Samael Aun Weor in which he, among other things, writes about the passing of things in this world. Even though I already have a certain undertanding of how we shouldn’t react to things when we find ourselves in situations that seems endless, I was still touched by his childhood story:
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Is balance between good and evil necessary when seeking spiritual awakening?

Lot of books on spirituality these days claim how it is important to maintain the balance between “good“ and “evil“ side on the path to spiritual awakening. Sometimes an author (who may claim to be a guru, a spiritual being, or even a non-physical entity passing on its message) may appear to be knowledgeable and can also use occult/esoteric terminology, and sometimes they may even say something with deeper meaning or something you could find useful. These bits and pieces of usefulness may
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