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How Reading Spiritual Texts Can Aid our Progress

Not long ago I have seen a documentary where a certain mystic have said that for someone to advance spiritually, they have to do three things: meditate, pray, and read spiritual texts. Although in Gnosis we would expand on that, there is a lot of truth in what that person has said, because all these three things can certainly help us a lot along the path – meditation helps us to experience the depths of consciousness and our inner potential; prayer enables us to form a connection with
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Making Sacrifices for the Gnostic Work to Yield Results

Sacrifices are an important aspect of our human life and the whole of existence. On a macro cosmic level, forces are being transformed (sacrificed) so that they become available in a suitable form to the beings of the micro-cosmos. On the micro level, every living creature is sacrificing something of themselves in various parts of their lives, in order to give to others or that themselves achieve a goal that they have set for themselves. Parents make sacrifices in order for their children
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A Prayer to Divine Mother as a Technique for Astral Projection

Traveling out of the body in higher worlds is an ability that anyone interested in it could develop. This ability is known as astral travel. To astral project from the physical body means that one is consciously stepping outside their physical body  The latter body stays behind, asleep and safe in the bed, while the traveler travels with their astral body. There are many techniques for the achievement of this process, but the essence of it is that you (the consciousness) stays awake while
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Willpower: A Silent Force for the Awakening of Consciousness

It is interesting to investigate and reflect upon the subject of willpower, as it is such a crucial aspect when it comes to moving towards spiritual awakening. When we do something, we can say that we use our will to do it, and that is true. In this sense, our will is related with conscious intention, although we also do things that does not come from our consciousness, but rather from our instincts, impulses, drives, and other things of the subconscious mind. This means that the will is
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Remembering the Inner Work in Daily Life, from Moment to Moment

The inner work has to be done from day to day and from moment to moment, if we are to succeed with it. This type of work is not like a meditation that is done once or twice a day, and then in between that time simply being calm and trying to deal with situations of life in a peaceful way, no. It requires an active application of practices like self-remembrance and self-observation throughout the day, with the goal to break the mechanical nature of the subconscious mind, so that it doesn’t
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Gnosis and the Search for Answers about Life and Oneself

In this day and age, there are many people who are searching for answers about deeper things of life, and there is even more of those who would like to search for answers but are prevented from it by the feeling that it is a pointless undertaking, because they are of opinion that there is no objective way to do it. This can bring such souls to the point of desperation - feeling that there is something out there and yet don’t know of the ways by which they could arrive to the knowledge that
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Picking Oneself Up After Falling Is Fine, But Not Enough

There is a common opinion that after failing with something that one is doing, the most important thing is to get back up and continue working on it. In the Gnostic-esoteric work, such a viewpoint is also quite popular, saying how when we fail in a battle against an ego, we should learn from it and then get up and fight again. In the inner work, we will without a doubt encounter many egos within ourselves, a lot of new things will emerge. This is a good thing. It shows that we are doing the
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What Makes Someone Ready For the Inner Work and the Path

When coming into contact with the Gnostic teachings, many people wonder if they are ready for such a form of spirituality. The description of the path and the promise of the lofty rewards that come from it surely sound inspiring, but a lot of folks question their own readiness for it, wondering if they have what it takes to walk upon such a path. Without a doubt, this spiritual path that leads to the final liberation requires a lot of dedication, seriousness and determination, because there
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A Practice of the Light (by Arnold Krumm Heller)

In his book the Magic of Silence, Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (also known as master Huiracocha) has written about an interesting practice, which he called “the Practice of Light”. It is a type of practice that invokes and maintains the presence of light through continuous visualization and conscious intention. I decided to share it here with hope that it might be useful to some people. What this practice essentially does is that it stimulates to activity the higher parts of ourselves (depending
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A Psychological Condition of Mythomania in Spirituality

Mythomania in spirituality is one of the psychological obstacles that can emerge in people who are interested in spirituality, and even more so in those who become more dedicated. Its roots are in the ego states of pride and vanity, and is one of the psychological traps that a person interested in spirituality could face, others being things such as fanaticism, dogmatic thinking, and adopting a group mentality. According to dictionary, mythomania is “an excessive or abnormal propensity
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Do Not Allow Thieves and Wild Beasts to Enter and Dwell in Your House

In the universal language of symbols, house is a common representation of your body, or rather the interior of the body, your inner temple. This temple does not only refer to the biological interior of the body, but more to the non-physical parts of it, such as the consciousness, the five psychological centers (intellectual, emotional, sexual, motor and instinctual), the higher bodies (such as astral and mental), as well as other counterparts that some people may have more and others less,
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The Spiritual Work Takes Us Back to Simplicity and Inner Beauty

It is often said that simplicity is a virtue. It is one of the virtues of consciousness that shines through and becomes part of our life, as we eliminate the psychological defects that are the cause for complexities and problems. When we remove those things from our mind and heart, we inevitably become simpler. The type of simplicity that I am referring to here is not the one of those who live an average and simple lives, because these people, although to the outward world they seem
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Why Dark Spirits Act from the Mental Plane (and How to Protect Oneself)

In his teachings, Samael Aun Weor has repeated many times that the most dangerous black magicians are in the mental plane. He was telling us that so to warn us of how harmful can be the attacks or influences from the mental plane for anyone doing the inner work, because anyone that is on the path will inevitably face opposition from the forces of darkness. Many people who start looking into spirituality have an idea that the spiritual path is like a refuge from a harsh reality of the
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Being In Society but Not of It

One of the very important element of the esoteric wisdom pertaining to spiritual development is to learn to live in society, while at the same time being "detached" from it. At first sight this can be hard to grasp, though crucial to understand and apply this principle in our lives if we want to achieve spiritual mastery and the final liberation. For many people interested in spirituality, the concept of living in society and wanting to reach spiritual awakening does not go together, and
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A Meditation Approach for Conversing With Your Atman

In his book “The Introduction to Gnosis”, Samael Aun Weor has written about an interesting meditation approach for conversing or strengthening connection with your Atman (Divine Spirit). It consists of relaxation, mental relaxation, and concentration. This approach combines an aspect of meditation on an ego practice which he taught as one of the main means to dissolve the egos, however in this practice here he uses this aspect to silence the mind. Here is what he has written:
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