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Reflecting on the Year and Movement Forward

When we do the inner work, it’s always good to evaluate how we are doing. This can be done daily, weekly, monthly, and also annually. It can be really interesting to look back over the year, seeing how things went, because we then see ourselves in the spiritual work in a larger time-frame than one day or a month. When we look at things from this perspective, we are aware that we don’t have that much time in a lifetime inside which we could realize our spiritual work, understanding that each
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Winter Solstice and the Birth of Christ Within

Yesterday was the winter solstice, an auspicious time of year when energies of nature are suitable for reflection and meditation in order to arrive to an insight or knowledge that a seeker is after. Winter solstice is a time that ancient cultures of the world have celebrated and have aligned to it many of their sacred sites (or aspects of them) such as the Karnak temple in Egypt, Chichen Itza in Mexico, Glastonbury Tor in England etc. The winter solstice carries a deep significance because
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Spiritual Transformation Described in Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a wonderful compilation of ancient texts that describe passages of the deceased through the process of death. It is known that the ancient Egyptian culture had a lifestyle that revolved around preparation for what will come after the physical body dies. In that sense those people have placed a great emphasis on leading a life that is just, compassionate, and that will move them towards attaining wisdom. Many also struggled to completely break free of the
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Postponing the Inner Work

If we would talk to people who have spiritual longings about the need for the inner work, many would agree that it would be beneficial and even necessary to reach self-realization. At the same time, however, many feel that they are not ready due to their circumstances in life, that they need to place their full attention on their family, job careers, or some projects that they are working on. It’s also not uncommon for those who have been doing the work for some time and have failed in it,
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A Practice Connecting to Beings of Light

The practice that I will describe here is a simple one, though quite powerful and profound. It is using principles of prayer, but it enhances it because it also involves invocation, visualization, pure intention, and sharp focus, in order to connect to beings of light. Such beings have through history been known by many names, such as angels, divine beings, seraphims, archangels, devas, higher beings, etc. People from many different religions petition to them when they are praying, though
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Using Meditation as Aid for Clairvoyance and Astral Projection

Exercise of meditation is not a prerequisite for clairvoyance and astral projection, but can help achieving those abilities. When I was starting out with astral projection, I heard many talk about meditation as a help to astral travel and how it is necessary to practice meditation first for some time. I can understand why – when we work on silencing the mind, and if we go deeper with meditation and start to observe our thoughts and emotions (more on this technique in another post), we will
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Prayer of Messanger Paul (from Gnostic Ancient Text)

I thought it would be a good idea to start this new week in July with the prayer of messanger Paul. I deliberately don't want to call him an apostle because he came after Jesus (he never met him personally), and was not part of the original twelve. Yet it seems he was well connected to a higher guidance, and the following prayer has depth. It is included and an opening text in the Nag Hammadi scriptures. The latter are gnostic scriptures (most of which are early Christian texts) discovered
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Preparing a Place for Spiritual Practices

“Find a quiet retreat for the practice of Yoga, sheltered from the wind, level and clean, free from rubbish, smouldering fires, and ugliness, and where the sound of waters and the beauty of the place help thought and contemplation." ~ The Upanishads As everything else in this world, success in spiritual practice depends on a certain requirements that need to be met, such as discipline, having a strong will-power and determination, right intention and goals, clear vision, asking for help etc.
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‘The Two Trees’ poem and song

'The Two Trees' is a poem written by an Irish poet William Butler Yeats.  He was inspired by Celtic mythology, and has written the poem in the last part of the 19th century. I wasn't aware of it until I heard the musical composition of the poem, made by Lorenna Mckennit, an interesting Canadian singer and composer of many songs with mystical themes.
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Guru Yoga Practice – Gnostic Approach

Not long ago I had a chance to read a book that was about an esoteric practice, as seen in the context of Tibetan Buddhism. One of the practices that was mentioned in this book is called Guru Yoga. It is a type of meditative practice that entails bringing in a high ideal and putting it in front of you. I heard about Guru Yoga term even before that, but in the context of invoking a spiritual teacher.
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Spiritual Ways to Dealing With Worry

To worry is a common thing within the human being. We worry so much, almost all the time. Worry can be related to everything in life, but it tends to be strongest when it comes to things that are related to ones own survival. We constantly worry about so many things. For example, what others think of us occupy a strong place in the mind, and it is a worry directly related to pride. All of the worries have their roots in one ego (subconscious inner state, a defect) or another. Worry itself
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Exercise of Retrospection – A Powerful Tool That Can Change Your Life

An exercise of retrospection is a powerful tool. With it we gain self-knowledge, insights, and understanding about our behavior and subconscious defects or egos (things such as anger, fear, pride, lust etc.) that have manifested during the day but have gone unnoticed, and as they go unseen they are controlling our lives. As it is said, 'Life is a series of events'.
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