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Spiritual Transformation Described in Egyptian Book of the Dead

The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a wonderful compilation of ancient texts that describe passages of the deceased through the process of death. It is known that the ancient Egyptian culture had a lifestyle that revolved around preparation for what will come after the physical body dies. In that sense those people have placed a great emphasis on leading a life that is just, compassionate, and that will move them towards attaining wisdom. Many also struggled to completely break free of the
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Postponing the Inner Work

If we would talk to people who have spiritual longings about the need for the inner work, many would agree that it would be beneficial and even necessary to reach self-realization. At the same time, however, many feel that they are not ready due to their circumstances in life, that they need to place their full attention on their family, job careers, or some projects that they are working on. It’s also not uncommon for those who have been doing the work for some time and have failed in it,
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“Watch and Pray” – A Gnostic Meaning Behind Jesus’s Words

“Watch and pray” is something that Jesus said several times in the Gospels, and many people have reflected on the depth of what he meant by it. In itself, this is a profound teaching, because it explains what in the Gnostic system of teaching is known as the “First key to awakening”. Jesus said: “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (from Mark 14:38)
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The Way of Nature and the Way of Spirit

There is a popular thought that the path of nature and the path of spirit are one and the same; that if we follow the natural ways of life, we will be on the right track towards the divine. I have also seen similar things mentioned in some ancient texts, though without clarification about its meaning, which probably contributed to how this is thought about today. Even though the way of nature is ‘overseen’ by the way of spirit, the way of spirit is different than the way of nature.
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The Two Lines of Life

“A higher Level of Being is directly above us from moment to moment. It is not in any remote horizontal future but here and now within our own selves, on the Vertical.” ~ Samael Aun Weor One of the most important teachings passed down by Samael Aun Weor, is that which speaks about the two lines of life – the horizontal line and the vertical line. There is a short chapter dedicated to it in the book Revolutionary Psychology, and he also refers to it in other places as well. It is
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Sexual Energy in the Spiritual Esoteric Work

When a person starts developing spiritually in a true way, they will eventually discover a topic about the usage of the sexual energy in the esoteric work. This is the basis of the inner transformation; the cornerstone of any real spiritual-psychological work to be able to take place inside.
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From Unreal to Real, From Darkness to Light

The spiritual work has potential to bring us to the heights of which a lot is written, and which many throughout the history have known about through direct experience. A lot of it can be summed up in an ancient Vedic mantra (also known as the Om Asatoma mantra), which is a form of a prayer, taken from a sacred text called the Upanishads. It goes like this:
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Importance of Being Surrounded With Things of High Nature

When a person starts to work on themselves in a psychological-spiritual way, the frequency of their vibration will start to raise. This brings many changes to their life – many spheres of their life are transformed for the better, including how they approach and interact with their environment. One good example is that such a person would not feel comfortable any more living in a house that is cluttered with things and where mess abounds.
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Using Meditation as Aid for Clairvoyance and Astral Projection

Exercise of meditation is not a prerequisite for clairvoyance and astral projection, but can help achieving those abilities. When I was starting out with astral projection, I heard many talk about meditation as a help to astral travel and how it is necessary to practice meditation first for some time. I can understand why – when we work on silencing the mind, and if we go deeper with meditation and start to observe our thoughts and emotions (more on this technique in another post), we will
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The Purpose and Importance of Meditation

In today's day and age, in the pace of life that tries to keep up with the modern system of living, where almost everything revolves around making money and survival, many have started questioning if this is the true way to be, if this is our true nature, and are turning towards silence. This can then eventually lead them to meditation.
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Tendency to Equate Angels With Humans

A couple of years ago I visited a place in India where I've met a devote of the Hare Krishna movement. We spent some time talking about spiritual things, and during that conversation a topic of lust came up, that further sparkled a talk about Krishna and his human characteristics, particularly some romances from his life. The devote said how it was normal that Krishna had human characteristics such as erotic playfulness and that he had over 16108 wifes, even though he was a spiritual being
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Prayer of Messanger Paul (from Gnostic Ancient Text)

I thought it would be a good idea to start this new week in July with the prayer of messanger Paul. I deliberately don't want to call him an apostle because he came after Jesus (he never met him personally), and was not part of the original twelve. Yet it seems he was well connected to a higher guidance, and the following prayer has depth. It is included and an opening text in the Nag Hammadi scriptures. The latter are gnostic scriptures (most of which are early Christian texts) discovered
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Increasing Chances for Astral Projection: Learning to Have Consistent Out of Body Experiences (1/3)

Astral travel is an enchanting ability, one of those that inspires mystery and wonder in many people throughout the world. And how wouldn’t it be when it offers potential to explore higher realities, a higher dimension of life in which so many things are possible. Most of people have difficulty with projecting out of their body. Unfortunately, they interpret this as a sign that astral travel is a made up thing because a technique doesn't work. This of course is jumping to conclusion, which
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