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A Blue Race and their Mission on Earth

It is becoming more and more common knowledge that we are not alone in this Universe; that advanced star civilizations that are traveling know about us on Earth and are benevolent. Some go further and say that at one point in time, we co-operated and exchanged knowledge with advanced races from other star systems. This is said to have happened in the past, when mankind was more in tune with its inner, true nature. Unlike today, people had faculties with which they perceived more of the
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Encounter with People from another Galaxy: Samael’s Journey to Mars

“One day, it does not matter which, when residing in Mexico City, I had to visit “El Desierto de los Leones” (The Desert of the Lions National Park). I wanted to peacefully abide there, even if only for a few hours. I wanted to deliver myself to the calmest of reflections.
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Using Mantra Solin Sala Ra to Establish Contact with ETs

Once we begin a serious inner work, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nature go through transformations, making us apt to make contact with higher intelligences with more ease. It is true that anyone can make a contact with them with or without previously having done the inner work, however with the latter we not only can make the call, but also receive response, and much more. This goes for any form of higher intelligence, wherever it may be.
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