Encounter with People from another Galaxy: Samael’s Journey to Mars
In the following account, Samael Aun Weor describes his unexpected meetings with extraterrestrials from another galaxy. It is not clear whether this meeting happened when he was in his physical or astral body, but regardless of in which dimension he was when he met them, they probably travelled multi-dimensionally eventually. He describes how he was allowed to join them on board and has spend a good amount of time with them travelling to Mars, the experience which gave him a good insight into their nature and what are they about. The following is his testimony from his book called Cosmic Ships:
“One day, it does not matter which, when residing in Mexico City, I had to visit “El Desierto de los Leones” (The Desert of the Lions National Park). I wanted to peacefully abide there, even if only for a few hours. I wanted to deliver myself to the calmest of reflections.
All of a sudden, I felt myself attracted towards a certain place in the forest. I saw a space there, in the woods. I do not know why I had the feeling of directing myself towards that place, even when indeed I found an enormous cosmic ship standing upon a steel tripod.
Obviously, I confess to you that I felt completely confused, moved; that discovery left me absolutely astounded. However the story does not end here: a metallic hatch opened, and I saw the chief or captain descend from that ship… the crew came behind him. Naturally, I addressed the chief, the captain; I saluted him, and he answered my greeting in perfect Spanish…
“Good morning,” I said to him.
“Good morning,” answered the captain…
Amongst the crew I saw two elderly ladies. What age could they be? I do not know. Unquestionably, their ages would have to correspond to other times, not to our earthly time.
I spoke to the captain, saying, “Sir, I would like to know the planet Mars, since my own spiritual, divine, sparkling seed-germ relates to that planet of the infinite space.” (My Monad, we would say, speaking in the style of Leibnitz, who occupied himself so much with the Monads)…
After some minutes, the captain in charge of that ship took the floor and said, “To Mars is what you said?”
“Yes, I would like to know the planet Mars, and I would like you to take me there. I am willing to go with you now, immediately; nothing can hold me on the planet Earth.”
“To Mars,” said the captain to me, “such a planet is just there; indeed, that world is very nearby.”
Thus, when speaking in this manner, I comprehended that my request, or that my pretension had been too poor. I believed I had requested something very great, but so… why lie? My request had been indeed very poor… By certain intuitive signs, they made me understand that the ship that seemed so splendid to me came down from a mother ship that was hidden, orbiting the Earth.
Our solar system—well-known with the name “solar system of Ors”—was not in any way unknown to the captain, yet it was but one of so many solar systems of the unalterable infinite… Undoubtedly, I found myself before intergalactic travelers, people who travel from galaxy to galaxy, wise and cognizant individuals.
“I am a writer,” I said to him, “and I would like to be taken to other inhabited planets, in order to write and give convincing testimony to this humanity about the existence of other inhabited planets… I am a man,” I said to him, “I am not a simple intellectual animal; the request that I make of you is not for me, but for this humanity in general. I would like in some way to contribute to the general culture of this world on which I live…”
In short, I set out many concepts; nevertheless, that captain kept silent. I even held on to that tripod of steel, with the purpose of not letting go of it until they agreed to put me inside the ship and take off with me. But everything was useless: they kept silent…
I examined that man and all the crew: they were personages of a copper color, ample forehead, thin body, stature of about one meter with twenty, thirty, or forty centimeters [3.8 to 4.4 feet], at the most…
The crew finally sat down on some wood trunks that were in the forest. The ladies were two venerable elders, and I could not do less than to observe such strange creatures…
I could not see in them our terrestrial perversity. I carefully noticed the sense of human responsibility that they had. They spoke little, because they have a very high concept of the word. They do not speak on a whim like us: they speak little and say much. For them, the word is gold, powdered gold. They only use it in very indispensable cases…
I did not see the face of assassins on them, like ours, the Earthlings, neither did I see that Machiavellian look on them (with which so many particular films are adorned). In those strange creatures only shone wisdom, love, and power. They are humans, but true humans, in the most complete sense of the word.
None of them wanted to abduct me. On the contrary, I fought too much, requesting from them that they take me. I am sure that if they had granted such a request to me, in no way would they have made me a “guinea pig for their laboratory.” We Earthlings are another thing. If by any chance we managed to catch an extraterrestrial, it is certain that he would immediately go to the laboratory, and as far as the ship, we would confiscate it, and with it, like a pattern, we would be able to build many other ships in order to bomb defenseless cities, in order to conquer other worlds by force, and make devilish things and more, because we Earthlings—beginning with me—are truly terribly perverse; that is the crude reality of the facts. In no way I have come here in order “to wash my hands” in front of you, and to say that I am a meek sheep; no! All of us here are “cut with the same scissors,” thus the defects that I have, you have them also, and vice versa…
Therefore, I assure you that the testimony that I give about those people is sincere, truly sincere. I am not trying in any way to deform the testimony, to deform the truth.
Finally, from those of the crew who were seated upon the wood trunks there, one of the ladies stood up, and in the name of all the crew she took the floor and said, “If we place a plant that is not aromatic next to another that is aromatic, the one that is not aromatic would be impregnated with the aroma of the one that is aromatic.”
Soon she continued, “The same happens on inhabited planets. Worlds that previously advanced poorly, with perverse humanities, were little by little transformed by the aroma, the vibration, of neighboring planets. But, as you see, we just arrived here at this planet Earth, and we do not see that the same happens here. What is happening on this planet?”
Well, the question that they asked me was tremendous, and I had to give an answer, then, of high quality… Thus, without reflecting that much, but of course taking care of the word very well, I said, “This planet Earth is a mistake of the Gods…” But soon I completed it, clarifying the concept as best I could, and said, “This is how the Karma of the worlds is.”
Karma is a word that represents or means cause and effect: by such a cause, such an effect. The Earth has causes that brought it into existence, and if within those causes are mistakes, more or less, the effects will have the outcome of those mistakes” …
Thus, when saying, “This is how the Karma of the worlds is,” with great astonishment I saw that the elderly lady who had spoken agreed, inclining her head with one respectful bow. She did not say anything, but simply agreed. The other elderly lady did the same: she made one respectful bow, and all of the crew, in moderate genuflection, agreed.
Well, I will say something to you: I thought that they were going to pull me by my ears, because it was terrible for a poor devil like me to give an answer to people who travel from galaxy to galaxy, but I did it. I did it, my answer worked, and that cheered me…
Of course, I resolved to take the best advantage of such assent. Thus, I said to myself, “Well, this is the moment,” thus, I returned to reiterate my request to be taken to another planet of the infinite space, in order to give testimony to the people about the reality of other inhabited planets…
“I am writer,” I said to them. “And it is not for me, it is for this humanity; take me…” To no avail. My requests were worthless.
The silence was terrible. Finally, the captain pronounced a phrase, nothing but that, because they speak little and they say much. They never utter the word if they are not going to fulfill it. They are not like us; i.e. we tend to say to a friend, “Tomorrow we will meet in the morning at nine in the café so that we can converse about the business,” and the friend does not arrive, and if he arrives, he appears around ten, or eleven, or twelve…
So, those people speak little and say much. It seems as if those personages were truly Gods with human bodies (they gave me that impression when conversing with them)…
Thus, I obtained an answer, and as soon as they gave it to me, it is clear that I was satisfied, “Along the way,” said the captain, “we will see…” Nothing more, that was the only thing that he said to me, but that for me was definitive. If an Earthling had said the same to me, I would simply have considered those words like an escape, like an evasion, for example as when one asks a job, and they say to you, “We will consider you when there is a vacancy.” When receiving such an Earthling-answer, one feels like leaving, running five hundred kilometers per hour, since we can be sure that we have failed in the request…
Yet, I was not conversing with Earthlings, but extraterrestrials. “Along the way, we will see.” Which “way” was that captain talking about? The esoteric path of initiation, the path that I am following, and that many are following; the path that leads to the Superman: that straight, narrow, and difficult path of which the Christ speaks, that mysterious path tread by Dante, Hermes Trismegistus, or Jesus of Nazareth. I follow such a path; therefore, the words of that captain filled me with strength.
Well, he gave me his hand (his right hand), then he boarded the ship by a stairway. Also, those of the crew boarded. I comprehended that I should withdraw, thus, I did so. I did not want in any way that my body be instantaneously disintegrated by the force of that ship. Thus, I withdrew a certain distance so that I could observe, through the trees, the moment in which the ship took off. It raised slowly, until a certain point, and soon it hurried through the infinite space, without making any type of noise…
I assure you that I am giving a testimony about people who already conquered space, about the extraterrestrials.”
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