The Flight of the Feathered Serpent – A book review
The Feathered Serpent must fly. When you know what the flight of the Feathered Serpent is, you will know what to do. Until then…make it clear that the Message of the Immortals vibrates throughout the centuries.
One of the spiritual books that had the most impact on me was The Flight of the Feathered Serpent, by Armando Cosani. He was a journalist in Spain during the Second World War, and after his injury he started going to church, turning to Jesus. It was then when he was approached and befriended by a mysterious person who throughout the time of their friendship did not introduce himself to him, but nevertheless they became great friends
. Armando quickly saw the strangeness that was part of that man, as he was different to anyone he knew, different to all of his other friends, yet at the same time he also recognized his greatness. This mysterious person guided him in many of his day-to-day dealings, and at the end of their meetings he gave him a manuscript that he wanted him to publish. It was then known that the mysterious person was Judas Iscariot, one of the characters of the ancient drama that was played out over 2000 years ago.
The book consists of three parts. In first book Cosani writes about the part of his life when Judas was his friend. He speaks about the learning he went through while spending time with him during the Second World War.
Part two and three are manuscripts that Judas asked Armando to publish. Part two is a teaching of Judas to humanity. It is a profound spiritual text that shows his high inner level. In it he symbolically and literally speaks about the path to self-realization, about the pitfalls of humans, about the incredible rewards of the Spirit, and much more. The second book is written in layers, meaning that on the surface everyone can get something out of it, but it also has levels where those who can’t get more than the surface can still feel the profundity of the text. And then there are other levels of the book that can be understood depending on the development of consciousness of the reader and their capacity for comprehension.
The book is called The Flight of the Feathered Serpent because, in the ancient worlds of the Mayas and the Aztecs, feathered (or plumed) serpent carries a great spiritual importance in the inner development of a human. Esoterically it signifies the completion of the path to enlightenment. It is when the male aspect known as the Divine Father (represented by the eagle) of ones own Divine Being (the totality, the Monad) has merged with the female aspect, the Divine Mother (represented by the serpent). When that happens, the initiate of the path (who has previously incarnated these two main parts of the Monad) is transformed into the “feathered serpent”.
The terms such as “man of the Maya lineage”, “sacred kiss of the princess Sac-Nicte”, “sacred blood of the Mayas”, and the often times mentioning of the Andean mountains etc. are all metaphoric ways that Judas used to express himself about the higher things of the Spirit and of the processes that happens on the Path to Self-realization, the path very well defined in the teachings of modern Gnosis.
And finally, the third part is about the story of Judas as a disciple of Jesus, written from the first person perspective. In it Judas describes the period of his life with Jesus and the apostles. It’s a beautiful story that, like the second book, also carries a lot of depth and teaching to those who have “ears to hear and eyes to see”. Here the story is recounted in a plain language, but the most significant parts where he teaches the reader are conveyed through the language of the teachings, or in other words, as a master would teach a student on a higher dimensional plane. In this part of the book Judas also speaks about the crucial part where he betrayed Jesus, and by reading you glimpse into what happened. Interestingly, at around the same time when this book was published, the ancient text that is today known as the Gospel of Judas has been found and verified, also dealing with Jesus’s final days.
The Flight of the Feathered Serpent is a profound book that can leave a strong imprint, and is very beneficial if your aspirations are towards the things of the Spirit. Even though a lot can be grasped on an intellectual level, the book speaks much more to the consciousness than to the intellect. It seems as though Judas, the author of the manuscript and a person of such a high level, has charged his words with an energy closely related to the innermost parts of the human being. However, the book does not speaks to everyone, and he himself gives indication how it is for those prepared enough to receive it. As one progress more on the path, one can always return to some parts of the book and discover its deeper layers. In short, this book is about the marvellous things of the Spirit that we all can attain within ourselves.
Here’s a small excerpt from the second part of the book. Note that the term “death” and “dying” here refers to the death of the inner defects, such as anger, lust, fear, etc.
“She said nothing to me with words, the Sacred Princess Sac-Nicte, the White Flower of the Mayab.
Nothing did she said say to me with words and she wouldn’t want to tell me anything in this way, because she is like one sole word which are all the words; and in her look, which is the plenitude of life that awakens the soul, there is light that shows us the entrance to the land of the Mayab and fills us for centuries of centuries; and makes out of men of clay one more measurement of the Great Hidden Lord, for whom there would never be a name capable of describing him completely.
And in such a look, which is plenitude and love from the Princess Sac-Nicte, I aspired to a particular perfume, which emanates from the most pure flower of the Mayab and in my ears I heard:
“You have seen me, you know me, you have tasted the kisses from my lips. You are in me, I am in you, you are eternally mine. You will never be able to forget me, my memory will be your consolation in your solitude and your emotion will bring you to me when you want to come.”
Could I say something besides this?
Oh! Man of the Maya lineage!
Make yourself eyes to see and ears to hear, open them, listen and wake up to be able to die too.
Die completely in one single go!
For the plenitude that is her, the Princess Sac-Nicte, the White Flower of the Mayab, is only found by men in whose veins runs the blood of the Maya lineage. They are the ones who are born to life, who light the kiss from her lips, and that kiss is the kiss of the most sweetest death because it is the kiss of resurrection with which every flesh shall see salvation in God.”
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