Spiritual Protection in the Astral Plane (Part I)
When a seeker is serious about finding the truth about reality and existence, they will eventually encounter negative entities in the astral plane. Negative entities, also known as negs, are spirits that decided to follow the dark path, which involves strengthening and increasing negative inner aspects, such as anger, lust, pride, envy etc. The more they advance within this dark path, the more bestial they become, both internally and in their appearance, until eventually they turn into demons.
Many people these days have astral experiences, but most of them unfortunately do not know the potentials of it and are not aware that they can get some amazing answers about life, death and countless other mysteries. Many of them are also just not interested in it and are using the astral to indulge in their mundane desires. However, there are seekers who genuinely yearn for knowledge and they are the ones which, if they persist for long enough, will eventually be noticed by negative entities. Negs main weapon is scaring seekers so that their experience ends without achieving anything concrete.
Fortunately, special recitations exists that can ward them off. These recitations are words of a higher nature that are charged with positive energy. Since the nature of negs is of a very low type, they cannot stand this high energy and as a result they flee or get “frozen” (by this I mean that they cannot move for a while).
Recitations also serve a purpose of verifying if a being you are talking to in the astral is negative or not. Often we can sense energy of the spirit we commune with, but sometimes we cannot and then it’s good to perform a check, especially if they are telling us something out of place. However, don’t overdo it by using it on every spirit you encounter because you can get emotional end excited when doing it which can get you back to your body. Use it when it is obvious that you should use it or when you feel that something is not right.
You can also use it if you invoke a spiritual master to see if it is really a master that showed up. With spiritual beings you can often sense high loving energy, and in that case there is no need to use recitations because negs do not have love. Another way to recognize negs is by looking into their eyes. The more developed toward darkness they are, the more negative and deform their eyes will be. They are using seekers own emotions against them (usually by making them angry, excited and fearful) to get them back to their body.
Most of the negs I encountered looked more or less like every other human spirit. Demons on the other hand look bestial and are more difficult to fight with, but protective techniques work on them as well, you just need to be more focused when using it and not allowing their appereance to scare you. Like it’s the case with normal negs, their main weapon is also using your own fear against you in order to send you back to your physical body.
There are also many helpers out there that are helping us in many ways, either by showing themselves so that we see them, or just by influencing a situation without necessary making themselves known. Once I was passing by some place and a neg spotted me and started attacking me with fists, which is silly because you do not feel pain in the astral. Nevertheless, I got emotional about it and started to call for help. At that very moment some woman came, and as she was approaching us the neg ran away.
Protective techniques are described in the Part II of this topic.
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