The Spiritual Ascension course, as well as Workshops on this blog are designed so that they can help those who want to change inwardly through the study and practice of the Gnostic teachings, in order to experience and to work towards self-realization by permanently building inside them high inner states such as peace, happiness, love, wisdom, compassion, and also knowledge, wisdom and other qualities that are integral part of their true nature. The main activities offered here are:
The Spiritual Ascension course
Esoteric Investigation and Building of the Force Within course
(available to those who have finished the course on Spiritual Ascension)
Awakening Consciousness workshop
Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming workshop
Both the courses and the workshops will take place online, and can serve well for both those who are new on the path as well as those who are already doing the inner work for a while. All courses and workshops are offered free of charge, as is all other content on this site. The reason why they are free is because the way to the spirit is such an essential part of this Universe that it should be available to anyone who is willing to walk upon the path to awakening.
The main thing offered on this site is the 12 week Course on Spiritual Ascension. This course is based on the teachings of Master Samael Aun Weor – the person who revealed the path to liberation, and telling us what is necessary to walk upon it. However, this course is also expanding upon some things relating to the path, and some approaches and information given here will be new. It is essential that all those who are ready learn how to walk upon this path, and the structure of this course and guidance given therein will allow for this to occur.
This course is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide, to the complete spiritual awakening. Everything that a seeker needs to spiritually ascend in a deep and proper way is included in this 12 week course.
The course program is as follows:
This course will take place online as a live online classroom once a week, and you will also be given material to study on your own. Every week a topic will be covered together with the practice for the week. Once you register you will be given the information about the place of meeting.
The next round of courses starts on March 8th 2020. Class will take place in three major timezones. Schedule is as follows:
Americas – Sundays at 4.00 PM New York Time (first session starts on March 8th)
Europe/Africa – Tuesdays at 7.00 PM London Time (first session starts on March 10th)
Asia/Australia – Thursdays at 8.00 PM Singapore Time (first session starts on March 12th)
To register please fill in the registration form at the bottom of this page. In case you have an interest to join but the time of the class is not good for you, do mention it and also mention which time would suit you more. We may work something out.
The spritual work truly starts when we start waking up our consciousness from the psychological sleep of constant thoughts and emotions that are creating an obstacle for our true nature, the essence or consciousness (also known as Buddhata), to shine through. That’s the first step of the inner work and it requires some effort in order for us to realize that it is who we are, and then to strengthen it with practices such as meditation, concentration, awareness, mantras etc. In this three-part online workshop program we will cover some of the most important methods for awakening consciousness.
The next workshop will take place as an online classroom, on Saturday March 14th 2020.
Once you register you will be given the link to the place where the workshop will take place. Timezone Schedule is as follows:
Europe/Africa – 7.00 PM London Time
Asia/Australia – 7.00 PM Singapore Time
Americas – 4.00 PM New York Time
If you would like to join, please sign up in the contact form at the bottom of this page. In the message box please write a little bit about your interest in the workshops, or why you think they would benefit you (or something along those lines). You will then be given the link to the place where the workshop will take place.
Experiences out of the body, regardless if they happen via the route of astral projection or through lucid dreaming, have been happening to people for thousands of years. We all leave our bodies every night when we sleep and we return back with experiences that we call “dreams”. However, it is possible to be consious of the process of leaving our bodies, and to start having conscious out of body experiences. By doing this, we use our potential to explore higher realms of our Universe. In this way we can explore the 4th and the 5th dimension, also known as the Etheric, the Astral, and the Mental planes of existence.
In the “Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming” we will cover topics such as:
– how to have lucid dreams and conscious astral projection
– about exploring the higher realms
– how to have prolonged and more objective experiences out of the body
– correlation between spiritual work, consciousness, and astral/dream exploration
– about dreams and how to interpret them
The next workshop will take place as an online classroom, on Sunday March 22nd 2020.
Once you register you will be given the link to the place where the workshop will take place. Timezone Schedule is as follows:
Europe/Africa – 7.00 PM London Time
Asia/Australia – 7.00 PM Singapore Time
Americas – 4.00 PM New York Time
Important notice
The online activities offered on this site, as well as all of the content, are not meant to replace any medical treatman. All physical and mental issues should be treated by a professional. The activities offered here are only meant to enhance ones spiritual life, and are not suitable to someone who is suffering from severe mental conditions.
In order to enroll to the Spiritual Ascension course or to any of the two workshops, please fill in the contact form bellow. In the message box please say something briefly about you and why would you like to enroll to the activity that you are enrolling to. Also please mention which course or workshops you want to enroll to, and for which timezone.
All participation is free of charge.