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Liberation from the Laws of Nature as the Goal of the Great Work

The Great Work, referred to as the Magnum Opus by the medieval alchemists, is that which has the ability to transform a human being by inward purging of all that is heavy and low, and by creating the garments of the Spirit, so that within remains that which is true and to, also within, merge with its divine source. A work of such magnitude must have many goals, not just one, but the main ones would be related to things such as knowledge, freedom, peace, happiness etc., all of which could
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The Importance of Not giving up when Failing

The transformation from an intellectual animal into a true human being, and from a true human being into a divine being, is not easy. Nonetheless, it is achievable. On the Path to Liberation, there are always obstacles that prevent us from reaching the next stage in our work, and sometimes these obstacles make us fail. Failing in the work means giving in to the animalistic side of our nature, feeding it through identification with it and actions that we take, but also it means neglecting
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Esoteric Practice that can Help Heal the Mind

It is already well-known that spiritual practices can have amazing effect on healing of the physical, vital, astral, and mental bodies. All these bodies are interconnected, which means the health of one depends on the health of the other. Nonetheless, some bodies have somewhat higher importance in the overall constitution, when it comes to health. It is described that the vital body is the most important one, because it is what keeps the physical body alive, and due to its importance it is
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A Journey through the Four States of Consciousness

The goal of the spiritual work is to climb up the ladder of the Being, to reach higher and higher stages of the Path that can take one to the incarnation of all the parts of the inner Being. The consciousness that we have is the key factor in achieving that goal, because upon its transformation depends our movement forward. By performing the inner work, we go through esoteric initiations of the Path by which our consciousness is truly changed and expanded, and like this we journey through
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True Happiness Emerges from Spiritual Progress

One of the most elusive things that everyone wants to have, is happiness. Many believe that happiness is the result of having a good job, good family, social status, friends, travels, acquisition of things etc., only to discover that even with all of that, they are not as happy as they thought they would be. Often time, people confuse temporary contentment or pleasure with happiness, or create an idea of happiness that is not always accurate. To be temporary content in life is one thing, to
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Can we Discover on our Own What we Need for Enlightenment?

A phrase “all spiritual roads, traditions and religions lead to enlightenment” is something that’s been widely used in recent times. It goes hand in hand with a belief that” if you start becoming interested in spirituality, eventually you will work out what is needed to progress”. The word ‘enlightenment’, however, is something that’s been used in a variety of ways, and many people would say that they have become enlightened. Today it is not uncommon for someone who watched 10,20 or 30
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Max Heindel’s Science of Nutrition and Diet Plan

In his book The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Max Heindel wrote a chapter about the science of nutrition, explaining in depth the correlation between good nutrition and ability to progress spirituality, as well as which food benefits spiritual development, and which type of food should be avoided to prevent fast decay of the body. The way he explained the science of nutrition in the context of spirituality is very rounded and profound, which is why I decided to summarize that part of the
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A Visualization Practice to Perceive what is Beyond our Universe

A number of years ago, on a retreat in Europe, we did an interesting practice of visualization. There are many exercises of visualization, which are often used to perceive clairvoyantly, for communication purposes, or simply to improve one’s ability to concentrate. The one we did on that retreat was to perceive what is out there beyond our Universe. While this practice can be done in any quiet environment, doing it in nature would be particularly suited, and the retreat leader even
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The Inner Work Includes Working on Good Egos too, not just on Bad Ones

When we do a deep form of the inner work, with a goal to reach a complete dissolution of the ego, we find ourselves involved in a continuous self-observation, observing the five psychological centers from moment to moment. By so doing, we discover that our psychological world comprises many things; we see the subtlety of thoughts, emotions and sensations. We also see the structure material of our mind, different energies that fuel the physical and non-physical bodies, and the jewel of
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Communication with Spirit Guides

Being able to communicate with one’s own spirit guides can be very useful, particularly when we are aspiring to or are on the Path to awakening. It is explained that every person has their own spirit guide, and sometimes more than one. They may or may not be the same ones for the duration of one’s lifetime; it is apparently not uncommon that they would change at certain stages of life, possibly depending on life’s lessons that the person is going through.
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Reflection on the Super-Efforts in the Spiritual Work

For the spiritual work to succeed, appropriate steps need to be taken. We all start from wherever we stand, and move from there towards complete inner purification and transformation. The more we progress on the Path, the more it is expected of us. In other words, we may start the spiritual work slowly, gradually feeling out the new spiritual environment in which we are immersing ourselves, but with every stage we reach we will need to increase our efforts if we are to reach a higher stage.
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Self-Realization: The Ticket to the Fullness of Infinity

When dealing with the topic of self-realization, of bringing forth a latent potential that is hidden within a human being, it is very useful to research about it to the best of our abilities. This is done in the most substantial way by searching for the information within oneself, through contemplation, prayer, meditation, and other forms that can allow for such knowledge to be revealed to us by our inner Being, at least in glimpses until direct experience of it arrives.
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What Role being Hermetically Sealed has in our Development

In the Gnostic teachings, a great emphasis is placed on having the five psychological centers balanced and not allowing the escape of the psychic energy. The latter is the overall energy of the physical and the spiritual bodies which the consciousness uses to achieve the inner transformation, its own permanent awakening. In one of his primary works, Samael Aun Weor has written the following regarding this topic
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Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition: A Gateway To Higher Knowledge

Imagination, inspiration and intuition are all faculties or states related to that which is the highest within us - the Spirit. In several of his books, Samael Aun Weor has spoken about imagination, inspiration and intuition as something that goes together, or that is tied to one another when looking at it from the point of view of higher knowledge. From his explanation, we can deduct that the first degree of knowledge is imaginative (or clairvoyant) knowledge, but that this type of
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Not Questioning a Spiritual Authority Can Lead to Fanaticism and Failure

A psychological trait that can be found in every spiritual tradition is a tendency to accept the words of the spiritual authority of that tradition as being always right. Of course, not all followers of such authorities do that, but it seems that the majority does. In some traditions this problem is emphasized and encouraged to work upon, whereas in others not much (or at all) is spoken about it. Not being aware of this psychological trait, or not being willing to work upon it when
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