Home hardships


The Importance of Not giving up when Failing

The transformation from an intellectual animal into a true human being, and from a true human being into a divine being, is not easy. Nonetheless, it is achievable. On the Path to Liberation, there are always obstacles that prevent us from reaching the next stage in our work, and sometimes these obstacles make us fail. Failing in the work means giving in to the animalistic side of our nature, feeding it through identification with it and actions that we take, but also it means neglecting
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Hardships and Difficulties while doing the Gnostic Work

Hardships are a common theme throughout life, and are not uncommon in our inner work. In the later case they can take on a different note, and that’s because of the nature of the spiritual work. By this I do not mean that life becomes harder when the inner work is applied, but rather that we become more conscious of life’s hardships. In a normal case (that of a person who is not doing the inner work), they would go through hardships in a mechanical way, half-conscious of the suffering that
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