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The Spiritual Work Takes Us Back to Simplicity and Inner Beauty

It is often said that simplicity is a virtue. It is one of the virtues of consciousness that shines through and becomes part of our life, as we eliminate the psychological defects that are the cause for complexities and problems. When we remove those things from our mind and heart, we inevitably become simpler. The type of simplicity that I am referring to here is not the one of those who live an average and simple lives, because these people, although to the outward world they seem
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Why Dark Spirits Act from the Mental Plane (and How to Protect Oneself)

In his teachings, Samael Aun Weor has repeated many times that the most dangerous black magicians are in the mental plane. He was telling us that so to warn us of how harmful can be the attacks or influences from the mental plane for anyone doing the inner work, because anyone that is on the path will inevitably face opposition from the forces of darkness. Many people who start looking into spirituality have an idea that the spiritual path is like a refuge from a harsh reality of the
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Being In Society but Not of It

One of the very important element of the esoteric wisdom pertaining to spiritual development is to learn to live in society, while at the same time being "detached" from it. At first sight this can be hard to grasp, though crucial to understand and apply this principle in our lives if we want to achieve spiritual mastery and the final liberation. For many people interested in spirituality, the concept of living in society and wanting to reach spiritual awakening does not go together, and
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Attainment of Siddhis (Spiritual Powers) is Not Priority of the Inner Work

A lot has been written about the attainment of spiritual powers (known as Siddhis in Sanskrit language); there are hundreds of books that deal with this matter, and it seems that this is one of the main reasons why so many people become interested in spirituality, especially in this modern superhero era in which we live. Powers are what many people dream about; powers to control, to show off, to do better in life, to have more things, to be able to impress others, to make those close to us
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Creating a Sacred Space as a Help for Your Inner Work

It can be very helpful for the inner work to have a special space dedicated for contemplation, prayer, spiritual practice, and in general for making connection with divinity within and without. You could create such a sacred space inside your home, or in your garden, or somewhere in nature – wherever it may be, it can help with boosting your spiritual life, because it would be a place charged with high energy that would as a result increase the vibration of that particular place, and it
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Why to Avoid Feeding Your Psyche with Low Impressions

In the course of daily life, we are exposed to a lot of impressions that reach us through our five senses. Regardless if we live in the East or in the West, the modern world has taken on a path that has some very harmful aspects for our spiritual progress - things such as wild capitalism, insatiable consumerism, bombardment with ads wherever we go, senseless trends, addictive and low entertainment, degrading use of sexuality, a sick pleasure in gossiping, etc. These types of impressions
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The Role of a Spiritual Teacher (And is it Even Necessary to Have One)

When it comes to spirituality in today’s world, there are many approaches to it: some people feel that they need a teacher, while some others read a lot of books and try to figure out things that way, and others yet join different groups in their search for knowledge, etc. However, it seems to me that most of the people who feel a need for spirituality would try and find someone who can help them with the direction that they’ve chosen. Often, though, many seekers do not know which direction
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The Power of Prayer and the Esoteric Forces Behind It

Prayer is a powerful force that we can and should utilize in the inner work. People have been praying for ages, as they felt that there is something more out there, beyond what the eyes can see, that can help them with going through various situations of life. Many religions today encompass prayer as one of the main ‘practices’, and encourage their followers to pray both during services and when alone. Some religions use continuous repetition of certain phrases or words, while some others
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The Complete Spiritual Awakening as the Highest Purpose of Life

A question that is often asked today is “what is the highest goal of spirituality”. The answer to this question most often heard would be that it is to achieve freedom, happiness, knowledge, as well as some other qualities. Many spiritual teachers of today would say that it is to know oneself and to be comfortable with oneself, so to go through life with joy. This question has been on the mind of many people, and it is understandable that, even though just the concept of freedom and
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The Role of Veneration in Spirituality (Excerpt from Rudolf Steiner)

Over the last few decades, particularly with the rise of the new age movement, the role of veneration in spirituality has started to lose its significance as people started to intellectualize about what spirituality is and how to achieve its ultimate goal. People from these newer forms of spirituality would still feel the connection with something higher than themselves, but the teachings of such groups would position itself above the esoteric teachings, producing the overall approach that
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Spiritualizing Lust: A Dangerous Trap in Alchemical and Overall Gnostic Work

During his lifetime, Samael Aun Weor has wrote extensively about the sexual aspect of the spiritual work – the aspect related to sexual alchemy, about a correct usage of the sexual energy and transmutation, and about sexuality in general and why is it so important for spiritual awakening. The Gnostic teachings of Samael Aun Weor have sexuality and the sexual alchemy very emphasised, which is said to have been one of the main mission of Samael – to reveal publically the key of sexual
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A Daily Job and Spiritual Endeavour: How to Combine the Two?

The question of combining a daily job with spiritual endeavour is something that comes up a lot, and for a good reason. Often time people feel that their job is taking them away from their spiritual life, and that it is very difficult to simultaneously have both successful career and a successful inner life. It is clear that this society has developed a system in which having to work a substantial amount of time per day plays a big part in people’s lives. Regardless if you live in the East
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Reflection on the Four Noble Truths in the Light of Gnosis

The Four Noble Truths is one of the most important teachings in Buddhism, and is taught to be given by the Buddha himself during his first sermon, after he reached enlightenment. These truths consists of four important statements that are necessary to know before embarking on the path to liberation. As the story goes, the Buddha reached enlightenment after spending some time in meditation under a Bodhi tree, where he was attacked by the darkest recesses of his subconscious mind – by the
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How To Experience and Feel Your Consciousness

To have a direct experience of one’s own consciousness seems to be a prerequisite for many spiritual endeavours and endeavours towards higher knowledge. Without knowing what the consciousness is, we are still tapping in the dark and have yet to arrive to one of the first major thresholds of the path. Without this experiential knowledge, we can go up to a certain point, but eventually we have to acquire this experience in order to build up faith in the inner work and in the Being.
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The Hymn of the Pearl: A Gnostic Story of Descent and Liberation

The Hymn of the Pearl is an early Gnostic-Christian text that is said to be written by the apostle Judas Thomas while in prison. The story recounts in a beautiful and symbolic way the descent of the soul, his entrapment in matter, and finally his liberation through achieving the purpose of the self-realization of the Being. In the story there is some deep esoteric symbolism, some more known while some known only to those who have been progressing on the path of initiations and thus seen in
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