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Spiritual practices

Connecting with Divine Mother through mantra IO

Vocalizing mantras is a great way to activate that which is spiritual within us, such as our chakras and consciousness. Vocalizing sounds of the mantra has the power to make our chakras vibrate, and our consciousness to temporarily wake up. Maintaining our consciousness (our true self) awake, is another story – it requires persistent efforts and a change in our way of being.
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Developing the Power of Intuition

Intuition is a useful skill that can benefit everyone. We can use it in all spheres of life, from small daily activities such as knowing in which cue to stand in the supermarket, to tackling difficult situations, to avoiding danger, knowing which path to take, interpreting dreams and symbolic teachings from the Astral plane, and much more. It has infinite number of uses, and it can be developed and sharpened to the point of becoming a clear “sixth sense”. It is said that this ability is
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Dream Yoga And Seeking Guidance in Dreams

Dream yoga is a term often used for some kind of control over dreams, such as in lucid dreaming, or using them for specific purpose. In the video I'll share here the instructor describes the technique of what one must do in order to use dreams to their advantage. By applying this technique, you can become lucid in dream, have astral projection, receive guidance about any issue you are facing, etc.
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Silencing the Mind With Mantra Wu

Mantra WU is a very good mantra to bring the mind to a decent level of stillness in a relatively short period of time. I was amazed of its effects when I finally learned how to do it properly. I searched for years on how to actually do it, because it's not fully clear from the description in Samael's books. Finally I learned how to do it correctly.
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Possible Psychic Development In Ancient Egypt

Developing psychic abilities is something that many people interested in spirituality would like to achieve. These abilities are related to the non-physical senses, or chakras, of our higher bodies. When chakras develop pass the certain point, a psychic powers emerges (such as telepathy, intuition, clairvoyance, polyvision etc.). Most common way for people to access such is unintentionally through meditation and going to deep relaxation states, but there are also deliberate ways of
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How To Lift Yourself Up When Feeling Low

There are many influences around us that can make us feel low. However, the main culprits are negative, heavy and low emotions and states within us that can ruin our entire days, weeks and even months. Some of them are depression, negativity, anger, envy, lack of self-worth, anxiety etc. etc. The best way to free yourself from those states is through self-knowledge, by using  techniques such as awareness, self-observation, and elimination of those low emotions and thoughts (egos).  That's
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Why Orgasms Are So Spiritually Harmful

Sexual energy is a very powerful energy that is part of the human being in many ways. It is a creative energy, which can be observed by the obvious example of procreation, but it can also be used to transform oneself spiritually. Sexual energy is often mistaken for lustful sensations and emotions that manifest in genitals, torso and the mind, but it is actually a different thing.  It is a force that sustain us, and that can ultimately liberate us from all suffering. Using sexual energies to
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3rd Key for Awakening – Sacrifice for Humanity

One of the most important principles of spiritual ascent is sacrifice for humanity. This type of help relates to spiritual sacrifice, or helping others spiritually, and it comprises one of the Three Keys of the Revolution of Consciousness. When we start to work on ourselves, we start to gain experience of that work and what is needed to climb up the mountain of ascension. With this knowledge we are more and more enabled to help others who would also like to reach liberation. By helping
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2nd Key for Awakening – Alchemy

Alchemy (in the East known as White Tantra) is a practice used for transmutation of internal energies. At one point in the history, the concept of “alchemy” was very popular among people. Exoterically it means transformation of lead into gold. Many people have tried to unravel the mysterious and obscure sacred writings of old alchemists in order to start making gold and to become rich. However, they didn’t know that the essence of alchemy goes much deeper than purely physical
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1st Key to Awakening – The Death of the Egos

Alchemy (in the East known as White Tantra) is a practice used for transmutation of internal energies. At one point in the history, the concept of “alchemy” was very popular among people. Exoterically it means transformation of lead into gold. Many people have tried to unravel the mysterious and obscure sacred writings of old alchemists in order to start making gold and to become rich. However, they didn’t know that the essence of alchemy goes much deeper than purely physical
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