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Spiritual practices

Esoteric Practice that can Help Heal the Mind

It is already well-known that spiritual practices can have amazing effect on healing of the physical, vital, astral, and mental bodies. All these bodies are interconnected, which means the health of one depends on the health of the other. Nonetheless, some bodies have somewhat higher importance in the overall constitution, when it comes to health. It is described that the vital body is the most important one, because it is what keeps the physical body alive, and due to its importance it is
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A Visualization Practice to Perceive what is Beyond our Universe

A number of years ago, on a retreat in Europe, we did an interesting practice of visualization. There are many exercises of visualization, which are often used to perceive clairvoyantly, for communication purposes, or simply to improve one’s ability to concentrate. The one we did on that retreat was to perceive what is out there beyond our Universe. While this practice can be done in any quiet environment, doing it in nature would be particularly suited, and the retreat leader even
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The Inner Work Includes Working on Good Egos too, not just on Bad Ones

When we do a deep form of the inner work, with a goal to reach a complete dissolution of the ego, we find ourselves involved in a continuous self-observation, observing the five psychological centers from moment to moment. By so doing, we discover that our psychological world comprises many things; we see the subtlety of thoughts, emotions and sensations. We also see the structure material of our mind, different energies that fuel the physical and non-physical bodies, and the jewel of
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Communication with Spirit Guides

Being able to communicate with one’s own spirit guides can be very useful, particularly when we are aspiring to or are on the Path to awakening. It is explained that every person has their own spirit guide, and sometimes more than one. They may or may not be the same ones for the duration of one’s lifetime; it is apparently not uncommon that they would change at certain stages of life, possibly depending on life’s lessons that the person is going through.
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A Practice with the Holy Spirit for Activation of the Third Eye Chakra

In his book the Aztec Christic Magic, Samael Aun Weor has taught various exercises for activating the senses of psychic perceptions by working with the energy of the Holy Spirit, directing it into the chakras by using visualization, mantras and slumber. The exercises are set out for each of the main chakras, working with one chakra for some time before moving on to another, and then finally working on all of them at once. However, if one already has experience of the spiritual work or aims
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Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition: A Gateway To Higher Knowledge

Imagination, inspiration and intuition are all faculties or states related to that which is the highest within us - the Spirit. In several of his books, Samael Aun Weor has spoken about imagination, inspiration and intuition as something that goes together, or that is tied to one another when looking at it from the point of view of higher knowledge. From his explanation, we can deduct that the first degree of knowledge is imaginative (or clairvoyant) knowledge, but that this type of
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Meditation with Mantra GA-TE: Knowing the Mysteries Hidden in (Ancient) Art

In his book The Mysteries of the Mayas, Samael Aun Weor has written about an interesting approach for receiving esoteric information about symbols hidden in art, sculpture, or a sacred site. The book speaks a lot about symbols related with spiritual awakening, found all over the ancient sacred site of Copán, Honduras. This ancient site of the Maya is known as one of the richest with Mayan artistic sculptures, altars, and symbolic carvings in general.
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Temporary and Permanent Awakening of Consciousness

In the inner work, we use our consciousness to perform exercises that will lead to its temporary and permanent awakening. The consciousness, also referred to as the essence, is our true self. It is the intrinsic awareness of life, the observer; that which experiences life, a divine spark that is trapped in the energies of the ego states, such as anger, pride, lust, greed, gluttony, fear etc. Most of our consciousness is trapped inside them, approximately 95% of it. This means that our
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Mantra SUIRA and Directing the Solar Force to Awaken the Chakras

In some of his books, Samael Aun Weor has written about an interesting practice that deals with activation of chakras and their corresponding faculties by stimulating the chakras with solar energy. This is done by pulling up that energy from the solar plexus chakra and leading it towards the chakra that one wishes to activate. To achieve this, one uses visualization and particular series of mantras. Samael says the following in his book the Perfect Matrimony:
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A Prayer to Divine Mother as a Technique for Astral Projection

Traveling out of the body in higher worlds is an ability that anyone interested in it could develop. This ability is known as astral travel. To astral project from the physical body means that one is consciously stepping outside their physical body  The latter body stays behind, asleep and safe in the bed, while the traveler travels with their astral body. There are many techniques for the achievement of this process, but the essence of it is that you (the consciousness) stays awake while
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A Practice of the Light (by Arnold Krumm Heller)

In his book the Magic of Silence, Dr. Arnold Krumm Heller (also known as master Huiracocha) has written about an interesting practice, which he called “the Practice of Light”. It is a type of practice that invokes and maintains the presence of light through continuous visualization and conscious intention. I decided to share it here with hope that it might be useful to some people. What this practice essentially does is that it stimulates to activity the higher parts of ourselves (depending
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A Meditation Approach for Conversing With Your Atman

In his book “The Introduction to Gnosis”, Samael Aun Weor has written about an interesting meditation approach for conversing or strengthening connection with your Atman (Divine Spirit). It consists of relaxation, mental relaxation, and concentration. This approach combines an aspect of meditation on an ego practice which he taught as one of the main means to dissolve the egos, however in this practice here he uses this aspect to silence the mind. Here is what he has written:
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The Power of Prayer and the Esoteric Forces Behind It

Prayer is a powerful force that we can and should utilize in the inner work. People have been praying for ages, as they felt that there is something more out there, beyond what the eyes can see, that can help them with going through various situations of life. Many religions today encompass prayer as one of the main ‘practices’, and encourage their followers to pray both during services and when alone. Some religions use continuous repetition of certain phrases or words, while some others
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Mantras for Astral Projection

In the teachings of Samael Aun Weor, there are many mantras that are taught as a mean to achieve astral projection. The latter is an ability through which we can safely leave our physical body at will in order to consciously enter the astral plane (which is in the fifth dimension), in order to explore more of the reality than what we know of here in this physical world.  This was an important practice in many esoteric and occult schools of various religions and spiritual traditions, because
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How To Experience and Feel Your Consciousness

To have a direct experience of one’s own consciousness seems to be a prerequisite for many spiritual endeavours and endeavours towards higher knowledge. Without knowing what the consciousness is, we are still tapping in the dark and have yet to arrive to one of the first major thresholds of the path. Without this experiential knowledge, we can go up to a certain point, but eventually we have to acquire this experience in order to build up faith in the inner work and in the Being.
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