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Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual (LBPR)

Lesser banishing pentagram ritual, or in short LBPR, is something I've been using for a number of years, and since it serves its purpose well I decided to write about it here. People attribute this ritual to Golden Dawn organization, but all of the elements in it are based on ancient knowledge. The ritual involves Kabbalistic cross, Kabbalistic words, blue flamed pentagrams, a circle of white fire, sacred names of God, and the four archangels.
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Dream Yoga And Seeking Guidance in Dreams

Dream yoga is a term often used for some kind of control over dreams, such as in lucid dreaming, or using them for specific purpose. In the video I'll share here the instructor describes the technique of what one must do in order to use dreams to their advantage. By applying this technique, you can become lucid in dream, have astral projection, receive guidance about any issue you are facing, etc.
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Extraterrestrial Message And Question For Humanity

Extraterrestrials have been communicating with individuals for millennia, and when people were more spiritually developed in a long gone past, they've probably been communicating with humanity as a whole. In recent times there have been many cases of individuals claiming to have been contacted by the ET's who revealed to them many things about life and the Universe, as well as asking them to pass their message to humanity. Most of those cases are fake, however there are those that are real.
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Gurdjieff On Art

There is an interesting passage about art that I wish to share here, from the book In Search of the Miraculous. The book is written by Ouspensky but it mostly consists of transcripts from Gurdjieff talks. Gurdjieff was a mystic seeker who found esoteric teachings in the late 19th century. What follows is his take on art from psychological point of view. I do not completely agree with him on some things he say. I believe that sometimes an artist, accidentally or otherwise, can tap to a
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Do You Know What is Your Vocation?

How important it is to know ones vocation? Lately I've been strugling with this question and with trying to find a job which I would enjoy doing. Years ago I’ve been told what I will do in life – a job which I find very meaningful and which could potentially help me develop more the spark within. To get to that is not easy, and besides I’m not really sure if that truly is my vocation.
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Silencing the Mind With Mantra Wu

Mantra WU is a very good mantra to bring the mind to a decent level of stillness in a relatively short period of time. I was amazed of its effects when I finally learned how to do it properly. I searched for years on how to actually do it, because it's not fully clear from the description in Samael's books. Finally I learned how to do it correctly.
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Possible Psychic Development In Ancient Egypt

Developing psychic abilities is something that many people interested in spirituality would like to achieve. These abilities are related to the non-physical senses, or chakras, of our higher bodies. When chakras develop pass the certain point, a psychic powers emerges (such as telepathy, intuition, clairvoyance, polyvision etc.). Most common way for people to access such is unintentionally through meditation and going to deep relaxation states, but there are also deliberate ways of
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How To Lift Yourself Up When Feeling Low

There are many influences around us that can make us feel low. However, the main culprits are negative, heavy and low emotions and states within us that can ruin our entire days, weeks and even months. Some of them are depression, negativity, anger, envy, lack of self-worth, anxiety etc. etc. The best way to free yourself from those states is through self-knowledge, by using  techniques such as awareness, self-observation, and elimination of those low emotions and thoughts (egos).  That's
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The Lioness and the Fox

"A lioness and a fox were talking together about their young, as mothers will, and saying how healthy and well-grown they were, and what beautiful coats they had, and how they were the image of their parents. "My litter of cubs is a joy to see," said the fox. And then she added, rather maliciously, "But I notice you never have more than one." "No," said the lioness grimly, "but that one is a Lion."
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Experience During an Evening Walk

A few days ago I went for an evening walk to a nearby forest. After many days of cloudy weather and rain, that evening was more clear and stable. I walked up to a place which is like an artificial semi island in between two parts of a river. I was standing at the very edge of that semi island, on its narrowest point, where two parts of the river meet and continue its flow united. Feeling compelled to stop, my gaze faced the sky. Sunset gave majestic colors to it and the clouds. The
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Autobiography of a Yogi (book review)

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda was an interesting read. In it, Yogananda writes about his life and spiritual journey, starting from spiritual experience from early childhood, and his wonderings in search of a guru. Eventually he finds a guru that he believes was destined to be his teacher, Sri Yukteswar Giri. From then on he spends a lot of time in his ashram, learning from him, while at the same time period attending college. After he learned fair amount, he decides to
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