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The Power of the Heart and Its Guidance in Life

Recently I returned from a longer trip in South Asia. I wanted it to be a research into sacred sites of peace and power, and their influence on the consciousness and meditation. My intention was also to learn about myself and to get knowledge and wisdom I previously did not have. Spiritually, I found the trip very good, giving me lots of new understanding, situations to learn from, and breakthroughs into my inner work. However, it is beyond the scope of this article to write about what
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Everything passes

Not long ago I have read a transcript of a talk of Samael Aun Weor in which he, among other things, writes about the passing of things in this world. Even though I already have a certain undertanding of how we shouldn’t react to things when we find ourselves in situations that seems endless, I was still touched by his childhood story:
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Connecting with Divine Mother through mantra IO

Vocalizing mantras is a great way to activate that which is spiritual within us, such as our chakras and consciousness. Vocalizing sounds of the mantra has the power to make our chakras vibrate, and our consciousness to temporarily wake up. Maintaining our consciousness (our true self) awake, is another story – it requires persistent efforts and a change in our way of being.
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Meeting of Jesus and Judas From “The Flight” book

The account of the meeting of Jesus and Judas from The Flight of the Feathered Serpent is, to me, one of the most beautiful part of that book, supposedly written by the Judas himself. The depth that it contains is profound. To give a context to the excerpt that now follows, Judas was a student of Nicodemus for many years, but after the latter have met Jesus he understood that he is not in the know, and that it would be better for Judas to study with Jesus. After Nicodemus told that to
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Developing the Power of Intuition

Intuition is a useful skill that can benefit everyone. We can use it in all spheres of life, from small daily activities such as knowing in which cue to stand in the supermarket, to tackling difficult situations, to avoiding danger, knowing which path to take, interpreting dreams and symbolic teachings from the Astral plane, and much more. It has infinite number of uses, and it can be developed and sharpened to the point of becoming a clear “sixth sense”. It is said that this ability is
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The Meeting of Nicodemus and Jesus (from The Flight of the Feathered Serpent book)

Weak was the light of the earth that night, great was the light of Heaven. Great was the flame of love in the heart of the Nazarene, great was the longing for the light in the heart of the Pharisee. The following excerpt is from a book The Flight of the Feathered Serpent, which describes a meeting of Jesus and Nicodemus, supposedly described by Judas Iscariot.
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The Flight of the Feathered Serpent – A book review

The Feathered Serpent must fly. When you know what the flight of the Feathered Serpent is, you will know what to do. Until then...make it clear that the Message of the Immortals vibrates throughout the centuries. One of the spiritual books that had the most impact on me was The Flight of the Feathered Serpent, by Armando Cosani. He was a journalist in Spain during the Second World War, and after his injury he started going to church, turning to Jesus. It was then when he was approached
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Astral projection to the Temple of Sphinx

The following is an account of astral projection by one of the students of Samael Aun Weor, from Samael's Q&A book called Beyond Death. I thought it may be inspiring to read this story it if you are looking for depth in astral projection, because it shows some of the many things that one can achieve with this wonderful ability of astral travel. Here it goes:
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Is balance between good and evil necessary when seeking spiritual awakening?

Lot of books on spirituality these days claim how it is important to maintain the balance between “good“ and “evil“ side on the path to spiritual awakening. Sometimes an author (who may claim to be a guru, a spiritual being, or even a non-physical entity passing on its message) may appear to be knowledgeable and can also use occult/esoteric terminology, and sometimes they may even say something with deeper meaning or something you could find useful. These bits and pieces of usefulness may
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Mysteries of the Universe Written in Nature

Wise men and women often said how one can get incredible knowledge just by studying the most minute things in nature, such as a leave of a tree, or a plant, a flower, a snail, and so on. If you take one of those things and really try to observe it with consciousness, with intention to learn about its secrets, you may find yourself getting intuitive insights. That happened because you used your consciousness to get the answers, rather than the mind/intellect. And because of a high
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To be awake. What does it mean to be awake? What does it mean to be here and now, to be completely and fully awake? Not to be awake is to be asleep, or half-awake. So much time of our daily life is spent in identification with thoughts and emotions, which inevitably bring about daydreaming. Considering all that, how much time of our lives are we truly awake? There are times when we can be, for our standards, very awake. In those moments it seems that time ceases - there is nothing else but
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Third Eye, Clairvoyance, and Sacred Sites in Mexico (Part 2)

Perhaps the most intense experience I had while traveling in Mexico was in the ancient site of Yagul, in Oaxacan Valley. The site was inhabited by Zapotecs, thousands of years ago. There was something special about the mountains surrounding the site, and because it was tucked in and secluded, one could have a richer experience. It was a beautiful sunny day. After walking through this ancient site and trying to get the feel for it, I have sat down under a tree on a courtyard, which in the
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Third Eye, Clairvoyance, and Sacred Sites in Mexico (Part 1)

Recently I've been traveling in Mexico, with primary goal to visit and explore many of the ancient sites that the developed cultures, such as Mayas, Zapotecs, Mixtecs, have left for us to get inspired from, and maybe even something more. Prior to that I have been looking more into the ability of the third eye and was doing corresponding practices for its development. I was aware of the many potentials that the chakra of the third eye has to offer, but for one reason or another the most
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