Home 2022 August

Archive: August 2022

Guidelines for Spiritual Initiates

“Brother. . . remember that you are a traveler who advances without a Path, because you are the one who makes your Path. Walk straight, in a straight line, and at each step of your way get rid of what weighs you down. Everything which you see on your way, observe it well in order to know it and to understand it.
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Contemplation on Life and the Path

On this path you are on you will find many things which perhaps you thought would make you happy, but as the days passed, you realized that this was not so. You asked yourself, “What happened? Where are they? Where did they go?” Perhaps you are encountering more of such things and logically, you might think that now you will be happy; the day may pass, and another deception comes and you, dear traveler, will say, “What pain I feel; I feel deceived with another disillusion.” Maybe you will
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