Home 2016 September

Archive: September 2016

Meeting of Jesus and Judas From “The Flight” book

The account of the meeting of Jesus and Judas from The Flight of the Feathered Serpent is, to me, one of the most beautiful part of that book, supposedly written by the Judas himself. The depth that it contains is profound. To give a context to the excerpt that now follows, Judas was a student of Nicodemus for many years, but after the latter have met Jesus he understood that he is not in the know, and that it would be better for Judas to study with Jesus. After Nicodemus told that to
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Developing the Power of Intuition

Intuition is a useful skill that can benefit everyone. We can use it in all spheres of life, from small daily activities such as knowing in which cue to stand in the supermarket, to tackling difficult situations, to avoiding danger, knowing which path to take, interpreting dreams and symbolic teachings from the Astral plane, and much more. It has infinite number of uses, and it can be developed and sharpened to the point of becoming a clear “sixth sense”. It is said that this ability is
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