Home 2014 October

Archive: October 2014

Extraterrestrial Message And Question For Humanity

Extraterrestrials have been communicating with individuals for millennia, and when people were more spiritually developed in a long gone past, they've probably been communicating with humanity as a whole. In recent times there have been many cases of individuals claiming to have been contacted by the ET's who revealed to them many things about life and the Universe, as well as asking them to pass their message to humanity. Most of those cases are fake, however there are those that are real.
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Gurdjieff On Art

There is an interesting passage about art that I wish to share here, from the book In Search of the Miraculous. The book is written by Ouspensky but it mostly consists of transcripts from Gurdjieff talks. Gurdjieff was a mystic seeker who found esoteric teachings in the late 19th century. What follows is his take on art from psychological point of view. I do not completely agree with him on some things he say. I believe that sometimes an artist, accidentally or otherwise, can tap to a
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