Home 2012 April

Archive: April 2012

Plato’s Cave

Some years ago I encountered this video and have heard of this analogy by Plato for the first time. It’s really remarkable analogy, and this specific animated version of it is very good. Plato was a philosopher who was very aware of the esoteric work, and was probably applying it himself. The analogy is about a person locked in a cave, together with other people. They are tied and cannot move – they can only see the back wall of the cave, upon which are projected the shadows of people
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Why Orgasms Are So Spiritually Harmful

Sexual energy is a very powerful energy that is part of the human being in many ways. It is a creative energy, which can be observed by the obvious example of procreation, but it can also be used to transform oneself spiritually. Sexual energy is often mistaken for lustful sensations and emotions that manifest in genitals, torso and the mind, but it is actually a different thing.  It is a force that sustain us, and that can ultimately liberate us from all suffering. Using sexual energies to
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Don’t Close the Door to Truth

The Buddha told a story to his monks: “A young widower was devoted to his little son. But while he was away on business, the whole village was burned to the ground by bandits, who took away the little boy. When the father returned and found only ruins, he was brokenhearted. He thought that the charred remains of an infant was his own child, so he organized a cremation, collected the ashes, and carried them always in a special bag.
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